
I definitely had some level of PPD due to not being able to breastfeed. I was at the point where I was considering take medication to try to induce lactation, I was pumping every 3 hours for 20 minutes and then doing 1 hour of 20 min on, 20 off. For a measly few ounces PER DAY!

I know there are doctors who say things like “I’m legally required to tell you this information even though I don’t agree with it” or something to that effect.  I’m not sure if/what restrictions on additional commentary. 

I’m so enraged at the idea that the government can force doctors to give patients incorrect medical information. I know that there are states that mandate saying factually incorrect statements like linking breast cancer to abortion and that’s horrible enough, but the idea of encouraging women to take hormonal

Dentist here: a) use toothpaste with fluoride b) floss your teeth c) don’t use charcoal, it’s abrasive and leaves dirt under your gums

It’s beyond enraging. How is this a way people make money?

I don’t understand how in all the of the difficulty it takes to open a restaurant, needing PR, needing financing, a realtor to get you a location, etc, how did nobody step back and say ‘girl, this is a bad idea!’?!?!!

I had (have?) a chemical pregnancy this week and am waiting for it to pass. So much crying. You’re not alone. 

Congratulations! Philadelphia is a great city! Moved here 11 years ago for school and it’s been awesome.

Some of them use Jesus as an excuse, but I don’t actually think most of them mean it. 

Every day there’s a new low of empathy, compassion, of human decency. I cannot wrap my head around what Devos (and the people like her) think they are gaining by denying trans students a safe place to pee. 

Dentist here: the toothpaste, especially the powder, is very abrasive. It may make your teeth look white initially, but it will wear away the enamel. Additionally, it settles under the gum line and there is literal dirt hanging out irritating the gums. Please don’t do this. Just use regular toothpaste. Brush, floss,

I don’t have time to watch this video now (I will return to it, for sure) but her hair is so incredible. Pure joy. 

The motherfucking-worst

I just loved loved loved this episode. It was all the Jane goodness in one shot. 

Within an hour last night, my Twitter blew up about this and while he sounds like a true gem, I don’t feel like I've missed anything by being unaware of his existence.  How do people like this become so famous?

It’s insane since clearly Trump should be impeached, but spending the political energy trying to get almost 20 Republicans to jump off the Trump ship just isn’t going to happen. Nancy knows which battles to fight. 

That was my point....that we need safe and legal abortions so that this isn’t the option women feel is available to them.  

As much as I believe in safe and legal abortions, internet medicine scares the shit out of me. Abortion may be very safe and able to be done with the two pill method as described, but what happens when there’s a complication and the woman doesn’t have a doctor to turn to and has to explain this at an ER.

My 2 cents from a stranger: I had a very hard time conceiving (lots of medical help), tough pregnancy, slow labor and all I wanted was to be able to breastfeed my kid like a ‘normal mom’. I breastfeed in the hospital, it seems ok but my little chick is still losing weight so they tell me to take her for her first peds

Choosing/being able to be a stay at home allows you to more easily get away with not vaccinating. My daughter went to day care at 4 months (and it wasn’t sooner only because my husband had leave he was able to use) and daycare was not taking her without all the vaccines.