Maybe because a reparations bill has about as much chance of passing as a bill to give the country back to the First Nations. While you’re dreaming, why not demand Bernie call for un-Napalming the Vietnamese or un-nuking Japan?
Maybe because a reparations bill has about as much chance of passing as a bill to give the country back to the First Nations. While you’re dreaming, why not demand Bernie call for un-Napalming the Vietnamese or un-nuking Japan?
Dogs don’t holler -they howl.
“Do people still want to be a part of this?”
Revenge of the Sith is the best movie since 1982, period.
Especially when Vidal was being facetious when he responded to a reporter who kept asking him about his sex life by saying that like all red-blooded American men, he was into 14-year-old boys. It was sarcasm, but after he died and could no longer sue for libel, some real scumbags have tried to use this quote to smear…
Feel free to name any person who could have blown President Clinton where it wouldn’t be an “abuse of power”.
Straw man my ass.
This is silly. Last time I checked, the president’s oath of office makes no mention of chastity. By your “logic”, the chief executive takes a vow of chastity upon taking office because he or she has more power than any human being on earth.
A Masshole has to do what a Masshole has to do.
The Steelers, the dirtiest team in the NFL, have the nerve to bitch about thuggish play? Give me a fucking break!
This is such bullshit. The entire right side of the Giants’ O-line sucks (they just cut a guy for sucking). But of course mouth-breathing football “fans” have got to breathe through their mouths, so we get this kind of moronic take.
Stop lying -if you bothered to post about it here, you’re still interested. You’ll be watching next spring, so cut the bullshit.
Could you imagine what the Air Coryell teams would do if they could play in today’s NFL? Barring bad weather, the only way teams could slow them down was to beat up the QB or receivers or both. They’d rack up 600-700 points and 5000-6000 yards every season.
Apparently, everyone named Bret or Brett is a douchecock.
Given that Bret Stephens was a groupie for Augusto Pinochet, the Nazi dictator of Chile who had women held down and raped with live rats, no wonder he’s making excuses for Kavanaugh.
If those people really had “fresher ideas” they wouldn’t be trying to ride George Lucas’ coattails.
That said, we still don’t want the dude anywhere near another Star Wars movie.