
I hear Jerry Sandusky is tanned, rested and ready!

He phoned in the performance because his agent’s son handled negotiations and Ford didn’t get what he wanted.

Kurtz was sidelined during the production of TESB and replaced by Howard Kazanjian so they could finish the movie. Kazanjian produced Raiders of the Lost Ark (which came in under budget and early) and Return of the Jedi, which came in on time and on budget.

You are so stupid, I doubt you can shit unassisted.

Gary Kurtz didn’t rein in George Lucas’ ideas because Kurtz had almost no say in the creative decisions. That’s because he was the producer -not the writer, not the creator and not the director. His job was to oversee the production and bring the movie in on time and on schedule, period. He did so badly at this that

That’s because you’re severely retarded.

What evidence do you have for this claim?

Yeah, Raiders of the Lost Ark sucked.

It’s what McCoy does. 

I refuse to believe that any Kia is worth more than $25,000. 

They cheated; they suck; their Super Bowls don’t count. 

Worked for George Stevens when he made Shane.

Only incels and morons hate the Prequels. 

I never thought he was that good of a passer. He was good at improvising when the game plan had to be chucked out, but almost all of those 4th quarter comebacks were the result of the Broncos’ defense holding the other team to fewer points year in and year out.

How many of those Clausens were coached by Bill Walsh? While it’s always a throw of the dice with any draft pick, QBs are almost always the product of coaching.

Where would begging, crying and whining for sex fall? Is that harassment or predatory?

I predicted this would happen after the GOP got away with illegally removing thousands of black voters from the registries in Florida before the 2000 “election”. Don’t be shocked when a Hispanic voter goes to vote and is told “Your name is Ramirez? Your name must have been stricken from the rolls when all the

I was hoping the deleted scenes would have Kate Winslet doing what she usually does in her movies. 

I can think of no greater karmic reward for this cesspool of a franchise than being hitched to Norv for a couple of years. This man is gonna make Mike Shula look like Don Coryell by the time he’s finished.