
I prefer it to the yellow line. 

McCain was pretty vile. His big claim to “heroism” was being a POW, but that didn’t stop him from smearing other POWs as cowards and collaborators, just because they refused to bait the guards into beating them more than they were getting already.

There’s always been a large number of losers pretending to be Vietnam veterans* and making up fanciful stories about how “they” would have won the war if only Jane Fonda, the LIBRUL MEDIA and other assorted commie-weirdo-Jew-fags hadn’t stabbed our boys in the back. It’s bullshit and they’re bullshit, too.

Arthur Seyss-Inquart was hanged at Nuremberg for deliberately blowing up dykes and dams in Holland.

If everyone who claims to be Vietnam Veteran really is one, who did the Vietcong kill?

It’s interesting how so many right-wingers still shit themselves in impotent rage over what Jane Fonda may have done in Vietnam, but are quiet as mice about what William Calley and others like him did in Vietnam.

The Chargers suck worse than Disney Star Wars.

Yes it does. 

Don’t fuck with Mr. Rogers:

He could cut and slash better than anyone. 


I have a better idea:

Insulted? He was elected to the Hall of Fame for fuck’s sake!

Stop bullshitting!

This is the same Dinesh D’Souza who used to write for Dartmouth Review, a neo-Nazi student paper that lovingly quoted Hitler, supported Apartheid in South Africa and outed gay students.

I watched about ten minutes of football last season and didn’t miss a goddamned thing. I can’t even enjoy Black Monday anymore since they started shitcanning coaches early.

1) If Lucas isn’t a good director, why did his peers nominate him twice for Best Director Oscars? Why did they do the same for Best Original Screenplay -twice? How did two of the actors he directed get Oscar nominations for performances in movies he wrote, playing characters he created? Why have so many other

I’ve actually watched Stepin Fetchit films and it’s NOTHING like Jar Jar Binks.

Like shitting on George Lucas?