
Here I should clarify that I despise coyness and code-speak and that if you ask me whether I “party” the answer will be “not with you”

It’s because you’re looking up definitions instead of reading the fucking situation in which a likely swarthy fellow wearing mostly white (possibly eggshell) who has been checking out your better half is asking to go somewhere and get nude.
Stop looking things up you prude nerd.

The Secret Service is very good at their jobs for the most part (idiots getting caught with hookers nonwithstanding.) I can’t even imagine how many plots/idiots/racists they’ve dealt with during Obama’s terms.

god i hope you’re right.

Yeah it was too much about six months ago. What’s a word for too much too much?

This is too much. This has really, really gone too far.

I hope you went back and had a Pretty Woman moment.

But she is brave & beautiful! BRAVE & BEAUTIFUL!!!! Does that mean nothing anymore? And a terrible driver, so you’d think most Americans could at least relate to that.

Won’t people consider the abject Hell he faces daily when he has to think about what he tweets before he tweets it?

I’m also taken aback whenever people insist that country music is “family friendly.” As if drinking, sex, and cheating haven’t been prominently featured from the get-go.

Ironically, the Right and Country Music in general have their own version of political correctness. The Dixie Chicks dared to say what they think, and despite that their views were aligned with the majority of Americans, they offended the Right’s sense of what is politically correct and they were blacklisted from the

Hello being so privileged that you can’t handle the concept of having to filter yourself when speaking in public. Sorry that doing what everybody else on the planet has to do and has always done is such a fun-sucker for you, Blake.

This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:

“Maybe you should just try a teeny tiny bit to not express your thoughts in ways that actively hurt other people?”

For the first time in history, white men have to occasionally, just a tiny bit, think before they speak and be questioned about their words and beliefs. This is the “political correctness” everyone is whining about. How dare people that they’ve always been able to oppress, insult, laugh at, or dismiss demand respect

I know when I think of country music, “politically correct” is definitely the first descriptor that comes to mind.

“Political correctness” has existed as long as humans have. There have always been people you didn’t dare disrespect. The only difference now is, more people are demanding their rightful respect. Boo hoo.

Huh ... I thought Donald Trump was the single best argument in not saying what you think until you think a little harder. He’s an object lesson in the value of some level of political correctness. “Don’t just vomit up your ‘thoughts’ all over everyone; just look at Donald Trump!”

Most beauty bloggers/vloggers are pretty bad at doing makeup. Most of them just cake it on. They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous. I watch that shit religiously.

I am so glad that when I was 14 we were still on Internet 1.0