
shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

I like how Tiffany is talking about what a great dad Trump is, yet the caption underneath reads “Grew up in Los Angeles, raised mostly by her Mom”

How is that not the last thing you check before you go on stage at a massive televised event? I always have the same list of checks before something important: 1. Nothing in nose 2. Nothing in teeth 3. Boobs not escaping from shirt 4. Fly is up/skirt isn’t tucked into underwear.

A bag hidden under the nanny’s mattress contained a large amount of her hair, which Huang allegedly ripped from the woman’s head. The nanny had been hiding it so Huang wouldn’t find it “and force her to eat it,” the complaint said.

Lord, this is some nouveau riche bullshit. Regular people don’t need this and won’t buy something that’s just going to jam up the washing machine when you forget it’s on the towel.

I cant agree enough. My mom and brother asked me to go to rehab because I was abusing alcohol. I was using it to mask all sorts of issues. Of course, they (rehab) labeled me an alcoholic, which I am not. I just needed to get my shit together.

i appreciate your comments, and i just want to say it sucks how polarizing AA is, from both sides. i feel like AA stands so firmly on the “we are absolutely right” platform that when it doesnt work people become bitter towards it/talk shit on it. i wish more people could be like “AA works for me, but it obviously

Absolutely. Instead of peer counseling, I saw a psychiatrist once a week who specialized in treating addictions. He diagnosed me with anxiety disorder and now I’m on a mood-stabilizer and SSRI. After being on the medication for a couple of months the urge to drink just EVAPORATED. Like a switch was flipped, magic

When I was first getting clean from my overall drug addiction (I still drink unfortunately) I was so upset when I would tell my family I had been for a few days, a few weeks, or a few months and they wouldnt act like it was important. It might not seem like a big deal to outsiders, but to an addict/alcoholic even a

About the paralysis around do-I-quit-or-do-I-not. You spend so much time worrying about what other people are going to think. What are they going to think of me, how is it going to look, when I’m the only one at this fancy fundraiser/wine tasting/birthday party/whatever with a seltzer instead of a glass of wine in my

Also, vaginoplasty is a thing. Because women with lush labia feel bad about their bodies and pay for uneccessary surgery to reduce their bits for a “tidy” and “youthful” appearance. All of this just makes me want to scream.

This man should be thoroughly investigated and questioned. People have been yanked up by the police for posting a gun emoji next to a cop emoji, but this guy literally threatened the president. His life needs to get really fucking inconvenient.

“Real America”

Abstinence is bullshit

No, very few people are fully celibate while in long romantic relationships. They usually only consider penis-in-vagina action to be sex, so they do anal/oral/handjobs and call themselves virgins. It’s stupid.

It’s definitely something that has existed in the past. I had one when I was a little kid, and I thought it was the BEST THING EVER. (Note: I was a little kid in 1976. EVERYTHING had a flag on it.)

In true dog style, what they want to do typically is what you want to do anyway (unless it’s my husky-cat, she doesn’t care what humans want her to do). Dogs are great!

Anyone who actually has an issue with this needs to take a deep breath and contemplate their priorities in life.

They were refused because they were belligerent drunks.

The Trump supporters also claim that they were assaulted by the co-owner in the parking lot and had the initials “H C” carved into their faces, only backwards, because she’s crooked.