
The Indigo Girls disagree. They’re still not right.

“began working for the Huang’s in Shanghai”—-NO

Hey I just wanted to give you another (I consider it) success story with meds and therapy. When I quit drinking, I started going to a psychiatrist (this is important—my GP had me on the totally wrong prescription and it was actually making me WORSE—so I think you need someone with more knowledge about brain meds than

It’s perfectly fine to wear black to a wedding; that’s just a weird Southern thing, like white after Labor Day.

I’m so curious as to whether the guy you & your friend saw in concert was Amos Lee?


Barf. Would still be drinking if I had to deal with that AA bullshit. Thank Buddha for psychiatry and medical science.

So many wonderful, kind people I know have had—or still have—substance abuse issues. But oh, all “addicts” are monsters, blah blah because you say so. I mean, there are assholes who abuse substances, don’t get me wrong. But this “We addicts are all the same, hardy-har, amoral thieves and liars, amirite?” AA bullshit

It’s so ingrained in our society. We think shame and punishment are “the only way” to get people to change. Evidence-based medicine, psychology, and sociology say otherwise.

Wait. That person isn’t Jaime Presley?