
But how!?!???? Almost like you are responsible for your own actions!?!??

That’s all the son thinks he did wrong too. He blames binge drinking and sexual promiscuity. Wonder where he got that.

I drank a shit ton of wine last night and I managed not to rape anyone.

I remember when Irreversible came out and people were horrified about having to watch ten minutes of the one-take graphic rape of Monica Bellucci. It was awful and incredibly upsetting; I barely managed to sit through it.

“By having people like Brock educating others on college campuses is how society can begin to break the cycle of binge drinking and its unfortunate results.” - holy shit, does he really think the only lesson anyone should take away from this is not to binge drink??? How about DON’T RAPE

Oh yeah, the dad is definitely a rapist. 100%.

And my only thought: How many times has his father forced his “20 minutes of action” on some victim?

This is the paradox of modern parenting. No matter what you do, you’re doing it wrong. I feel like social media isn’t helping in that people are constantly posting about it. Before maybe they just judged and talked shit behind parents backs. Now it’s constantly being debated across the internet. And it is almost

Everybody’s a perfect parent on the internet.

This. I never thought I’d say this in a million years but: Fuck Johhny Depp and his partner abusing, possibly animal abusing ass.

If my husband smacked me in the face, having some lady time with my close friends the next day is EXACTLY what I’d be doing. This pic is proving practically the opposite of what Johnny thinks it proves.

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

I love that she is using her experience to comment and constructively criticize the rape culture we have all around us. She is SO bright and thoughtful, and I really am inspired by the way she took something so terrible in her life and is using it to help other people. I believe she can make a difference in the way

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

Or. We can just smugly point out how most of the Christian holidays are based on pagan traditions and then not feel guilty for reveling in the consumerism of it all.

Speak for yourself, buddy. I’ve instituted National Wine Day and best of all, I celebrate it every day.

I know someone else who went through a similar thing reading a book on atheism (i don’t know which one). It’s weird that people actually change their minds about stuff like this. I grew up religious and always sort of took it all as a fairy tale, so it was easy to walk away from when I was a teen. For a person who

I am an asshole.

Absolutely. My ultra conservative family still dismisses my liberalism because I’m “young.” But I get more liberal, in terms of what they would consider liberal, as the years go on. If I’m a 35 year old with a spouse, a mortgage, a buncha kids, have now been in the work force for 20 years, how much more of an adult do

What an excellent point! It’s not that evil of a shadow government if they’re not even killing real people.