
They care about their right to defend their house. They don’t care about your house. Your body, your sexuality, your religion; they don’t care.

That would work if women were actually people. These folks truly believe that the presence of sperm in a uterus means that the sperm-donator has staked a legal claim.

When my sister moved to Texas, on like day two a six foot rattlesnake showed up on her doorstep and wouldn’t leave. Eventually they called the police, and a bunch of sheriff’s deputies showed up. They took turns trying to beat it with a shovel to no avail. Eventually they shot it in the head, spattering venom all over

Should probably try to reformulate the pro-choice argument in the south so that it’s less about women’s rights (which they don’t give a damn about) and try to make it sound more like property rights or gun rights (which they do care about).

“Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”

In a society that vilifies people for being overweight; addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, or overspending; or for committing crimes- we sure do seem to rationalize and justify cheating as being a “biological drive”.

By definition, none of those things are cheating. Cheating specifically means violating the terms of your relationship agreement, and if you consent to have multiple sexual partners, that’s not cheating.

Agreed. If you don’t like the terms - don’t agree with them! Or at least, if you really want to violate them that much, call your partner and end it first. It won’t be as easy as cheating and never telling them, but only selfish, shitty people do that.

Right? And “I didn’t want to be a zoophile. I was trying to do everything I could to avoid this animal”? How hard could it possibly be to avoid a fucking dolphin?! Just because an animal humps your leg does not mean it’s cool for you, a human, to have sex with it. That’s not how it works.

My religion is strictly against minivans so every toyata dealer in my town will have to close.

Is that really specific to just that show? Even when I was at my heaviest I knew I would never be on The Biggest Loser because I was just a fat guys who couldn’t control my self around Chex-Mix, I didn’t lose a child in war or get cancer or anything that makes for good dramatic tv.

A list of lifestyles with which I do not “agree:”

I always want to meet these supposed gay friends. Who are these people who are good friends with people who think denying their existence and civil rights are just different opinions.

Watched. It’s crap like her that killed the show, but more so the incessant damned sob stories. Every single contestant had to have one. They couldn’t all be true, could they?

they’re such sweet, nice people

In her neck of the woods, it is an elevated stance, sadly.

It's like she doesn't even understand who watches shows like American Idol.

If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.

Come on man, if you are agnostic you should get this... I can’t believe 8 other people agree with you.