Everyone get in here.

From what I've seen K.A. Applegate has been really proud of and supportive of trans fans reaching out to her on twitter. There was one she retweeted a couple months ago who grew up identifying with Tobias so much that he named himself Tobias when he transitioned. Warmed my heart right up.

Having a tourist in khaki shorts and a sun hat walking forward to ruin the shot is more florida than the presence of the alligator.

I just watched Sunny for the first time last month, marathoned through everything on Netflix at the suggestion of a friend. Midway through I asked him how long it had aired, because no way was something this good not unjustly cancelled, and when he told me it was still running I couldn't believe it.

Porygon has done nothing wrong, ever, in its entire life.

*PolitiFact beeps loudly and reports this as a Pants-On-Fire*

I like that this is a game where the ultimate goal is to destroy the world. And Link, being a silent protagonist, can be read as unsympathetic, just coldly plowing ahead with everyone's demise despite their warnings and fears.

Hey… You! Milk… It's miiiilk…

I has thoughts about this during my annual The Santa Clause viewing. The concept could have been an easy excuse to have a woman or someone not white be Santa. Anyone can kill Santa!

This is the only cosplay I would really appreciate seeing a "FREE HUGS" sign on.

Buns of the Patriots

I hear Pokemon S&M is coming out this November.

Sure I would love shards of deliberately burnt doritos sticking out of my yellow burger. Or a mouthful of raw broccoli. Either would add a nice crunch.

We could have gotten awkward 3D animation. *shudder*

Freed from Konami's restraints, we finally get to see Kojima's true dream project. And it's naked Norman Reedus mpreg. I'm truly happy for him.

less cougars, more COUGAR MANs

Same here. RDR was undoubtedly my game of the year when it came out, I'd adore a sequel. Plus it feeds my lust for cowboys.

That one was always my favorite. I still have it recorded on VHS, with some minutes missing from forgetting to hit record again after one of the commercial breaks.

Our kid selves had similar taste. Cameron Diaz in The Mask was the definitive moment of confirming my homosexuality.

Back as a kid occasionally asking my mom to rent my then-favorite movie "The Mask" for me on VHS, once in awhile she wound up bringing "Mask" home to me instead. It was a confusing time.

He said his feelings were the same as Quiet's, and you could say Quiet pretty clearly has romantic/sexual interest in Snake. But yes I agree with your point, if one of them were female nobody would question Ocelot being in love with Snake. And this is a series that has given us Strangelove, Volgin, Raikov, Vamp, the