Everyone get in here.

Yeah Troy Baker had some moments where I thought he really sold it fantastically. Like how wistful he sounded when saying he never forgot Big Boss in those nine years. And Troy was also doing the facial capture, which also turned out great, I can't get enough of his sassy eyebrow raise. Plus I'm fairly sure he lent

The whole game I was expecting to at least be able to stick machine guns onto D-Horse's sides.

Kojima said something awhile back about wanting to have Snake be more of a stand-in for the player, which is why he doesn't talk much now. Like a silent protagonist is supposed to be, but he didn't quite go that far.

Portable Ops is entirely ignore-able in the overall canon. The most it gets mentioned in the next game is Kaz saying "Finally we can leave that crap in San Hieronymo behind." Which sounds more like a self-inserted statement from Kojima than anything else. As for playing it… the thing about it is that although

Also my favorite moment. Ocelot sexily leaning in unnecessarily close to light Big Boss's cigar was also good.

Hungry Hippo is my favorite out of the game's random code name generator.

I never thought I'd see this day, a treaty to end the Burger Wars…

I used to work at a Subway, the manager there sure liked to cheat the inspectors by regularly re-writing the use-by dates on all the produce because it "looked good enough". The "eat fresh" slogan was built upon a web of lies, at least at that particular store.

This is where I develop the strategy of forgetting about a show until the season wraps up, and then I view it all at once. You can't stop me from binge-watching! YOU DON'T FUKKIN CONTROL ME.

I would eat a lotad, just judging by its texture. A crisp juicy pad on top and the rest all soft and chewy.

There's a few Giordano's locations around Orlando, if you happen to be in that part of Florida. They're primarily a Chicago chain otherwise. I haven't visited Chicago long enough to experiment with different pizzerias, but I had Giordano's and it was the best pizza I've ever had. Since then the craving for

And I'm talking REAL baby-back ribs.

There's a lot of citing of same-sex kisses being allowed in cartoons before, but remember that just about all of those are handled as jokes. I assume censorship stepped in here because this instance is not meant to be laughed at? A lot of cartoons, anime, video games, and so on geared towards kids AND adults do

I've been keeping up with this show since the pilot through affection for Dean, Sam, Cas, and Crowley. But I find it frustrating that the narrative so eagerly disposes of anyone outside that quartet when we've had so many side-characters with unrealized potential.

The earliest thing imprinted in my memory about RDR was setting out into the wilderness as soon as I was able and then being killed by wolves within a minute. Of course, cougar encounters came later, and by then the wolf encounters seemed so easy to survive…

I figured Kuvira would be important in book 4 with how the season finale of book 3 had to pause to introduce her by name to Korra's hot dad.

Are Disney and Pixar finally done with the one-word adjective film title trend? I expected something like "Emotioned".