
Perhaps you’ve tried this, but I’ve found that doing negative/backwards pull-ups really helps build up the supporting muscles. To do these, use a stool or some sort of boost to get to the top of the pull-up, and then slooowly lower yourself down. Rinse, repeat. You should feel some significant burn.

It is absolutely horrible for elephant backs. They’re strong animals but they aren’t meant to have weight there. Not to mention that there is a sort of “breaking” process necessary to tame elephants. Don’t ride elephants, tell ya friends.

SE Asia seems relatively un- blown-up from here in Thailand.

That’s actually quite good! Or Hayward would respond by forming a massive jersey bonfire.

We had a CEO (or CsomethingO) from Petco. Perfectly okay speech, but... Petco?!?

Same, then I have some kind lady throw a drink on me to cover up. All on purpose (*stifles sob)

All the men in my family almost without exception start balding in our early 20s, so at least Ive had a nice support system that way! For me, it’s never been something to fight. There are many physical characteristics I can’t change, so why should this one be different? granted, it was a bit of an obstacle with the

Or instead of a forest, human-sized prairie dog style tunnels.

After Phil is gone, let’s see what happens. Past success does not determine future success and Phil has sucked the big one so far.

If your dick looks like your face.

Not to mention, Donald would no longer have to worry about those 3 million illegal voters. WELP NO WAY TO KNOW NOW IF THERE WAS FRAUD EH

Our goodbye gift is... tennis? Thanks but no thanks.

“Well it’s definitely either a cock or a Pepsi. I just can’t decide!”

In this case the drip is more like water torture, on us.

Yeah exactly, it’s not like all the NFL owners keep all of their money in one big pile.

Scientifically, I read schlongs don’t correlate to any other part of the body. So the big feet thing is just that.

No idea! I’ve only had them and other insects that way here in Asia. My only thought is that they salt them so that the saltiness is the main flavor, instead of, yknow, worm. They’re something you can certainly live without eating, though they are less disgusting than you’d imagine.

Juice boxes and packed sammies!

People eat worms, too! Typically not canned, though. Usually grilled and heavily salted (yum)

Right-o! I barely even take the time to get my pants off when I’m handling the brown business