
The entirety of her being was raised into building a brand around herself. Her only self worth is her brand and now it’s seemingly very publicly damaged. So of course she’s freaking instead of doing the smart thing and realzing where she went wrong and correcting her missteps. It’s how she was raised and understands

at first blush, this seems like good news, omis, but how many miners were put out of work by this switch to solar?

I’m very bothered by eating contests in general. Some of us grew up knowing what hunger was. Others still do.

I feel like princesses is a weird ass hill to die on, too. Save that battle for vegetables, or dating boys with goatees.

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

More $$ shoes let you repair instead of replace them. I have a mid-range pair of heels ($90ish) I’ve had repaired/reheeled 6 times over 15 years and they’re still going strong!

These pictures tell me that one of these guys at some point learned the more flattering way to position your head when you’re having your picture taken. And he never explained it to the other guy because it allows the audience to unconsciously assign him the role of the more attractive twin. He’s a terrible brother.

You are so brave name-dropping with all that detail. lol

She’s trying to redefine words to mean something different because that’s what fascists do.

“I don’t know what it means to be complicit”

I feel like Russell Brand’s thoughts on Katy Perry are fine? They aren’t married anymore. Sounds like he doesn’t specifically follow her career, but he bears her no ill will. That sounds pretty healthy for a divorced couple.

Glam-ma. Clearly.

Not very compassionate :( she is a mess and I don’t know why people STILL make sex tapes or take nude photos because inevitably this shit happens, but I still feel bad for her and I am glad she is not silent and letting them bully her into being blackmailed.

What up, ED sufferers/recoverers! Eat regular meals based on the plan set by your nutritionist/therapist/support team. Remember that is this is the internet, not your doctor’s office.

I was going to go for “no, this is a stocking”.

Nope. Putting products on shelves is stocking.

First rule of parenthood-these ungrateful, adorable little tyrants DO NOT GIVE A FUCK how crunchy you are, or what your plans are, or how ethically you plan to raise them. This is how people get all stressed the fuck out. You plan to cosleep? Ha ha, baby has terrible reflux and has to sleep in the car seat. Allergies

“I want advice so I can ignore it and still complain about my problem.”
