
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: you should look into a device called a pogoplug. it essentially tries to solve that very problem and basically turns any usb device you have at home as your cloud storage which you can stream anywhere. they even have an iphone app (with background access) for the music streaming.

welcome nikki! you've got some mad skills. seriously.

by far the email app on the iphone. third party wise, probably facebook.

@ryusen: on the contrary, I actually agree with you that they messed up this time if the problem is that widespread. I haven't had the issue, but that doesn't mean others aren't suffering from it. If you read my comment history, I actually said a few times that Apple needs to make mends with people that are having

@Mosaick: fair points. thank you for your intelligent, coherent reponse. there seem to be far fewer of those on these sites these days.

@G.O.B.: Come on!: Actually, the ones out in full force are the haters that seem to be basking in all the negativity. Ironically, most of these people would never have bought the phone in the first place, but feel the need to continue beating on a dead horse because it will somehow make them feel better about

@ss3: how ignorant are you really? "history repeating itself?" what?! I recently switched all my windows-based PCs to Mac and I can tell you that their products and hardware are top notch and I've never had problems with ANY of them (including my ip4). I was through with windows after dealing with 20+ years of sub-par

Notwithstanding the fact that the guy who emailing Jobs sounds like a 13-yr old dickweed who's parents clearly never taught him manners, I think Jobs handled it fairly well. I mean, for god sakes people, it has been barely a week since the issue popped up. At least give them a chance to try to issue a fix without

@8oardR1der: I'm one of those that has not had this issue, which is why I'm puzzled as to how widespread this problem really is(?). In the week or so that I've had it, I've only had one call where it dropped me twice (but I'm not sure if that is AT&T's service since I live in SF, where it is notorioulsy bad).

@Dezerus Richardson: either that, or I'm super unlucky. LOL! either way, I do hear that that 24" incher is one of the single best products Dell has ever put out. hope you're enjoying it.

@vinod1978: well said. they really need focus.

@Dezerus Richardson: yeah, i've had 3 HP craptops die within 12 months (1 screen, 1 caused shorts with the speaker - thereby actually freezing the computer, 1 in which the power plug pin fell off and needed to be replaced). As for the Dells: 1 in which the backspace key fell off on my Inspiron after a few months (dell

... sorry, this was supposed to go into tips... deleted.

@JEmlayUSA: no reason to get defensieve, dude. yes, I'm talking about the consumer side. I've been burned way too many times by both. will never touch another product from either company. ever again.

Giz: Dead horse is dead. very dead.

Two companies whose products to avoid at ALL COSTS: Dell & HP. they pretty much employ the lowest common denominator across all products. zero innovation and crappy products. good riddance.

@Mig255: hmmm... interesting. so you're saying you get it sporadically on your ip4? bizarre. I'd think that if it was a hardware OR or a software issue, it would happen consistently, regardless, right?

@triplecheeseburger: I've had the same experience as you. consistent speeds no matter what. that said, I hate you for getting 6mbsps down! holy crap! I'm in SF and I get 1.5mbps down in downtown, but 2mbps down at my house. not bad at all, but your speed is phenomenal! lucky!

@Josh Hawn: ever hear of beating a dead horse? I'm not suggesting that Apple ignore the problem, but no one understands 1) the scale of the problem (i.e. how many people are actually affected - i'm not one of those affected) and 2) the scope of the problem to understand of those that are affected how much is it