jello felony

Again, this literally does not matter when your life is on the line. Few diabetics are going to take solace in the fact that more GOP take money from big pharma than Democrats, if that entire cadre is ultimately working together to jack up the prices of insulin. I literally hear these two coworkers of mine talking

As one poster put it yesterday, if you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys these days, you are either stupid or the problem.

That’s untrue. But Neil Young outdoes them both, now that I think about it. The best thing about Young is that he never cruised on legacy rock god status, like many of his contemporaries, even though he very well could have. He’s always been up to something new and different, and has never been resistant to change.

I think Phil Collins kind of has to take this out of Tom Petty’s hands, though, as far as being an unassuming normie dude who somehow is one of the greatest pop geniuses ever produced.

Fran Lebowitz is horrible and culturally irrelevant. Her one rhetorical move is that old modernist trick of making a bitchy, finalizing pronouncement from on-high, and relying on butt-sniffing sycophants to golf clap and reinforce it for you. Except, you know, she’s a woman, not a dude. Oh, and she doesn’t actually

Hawley isn’t just going after loot boxes either he’s going after all microtransactions.

Who cares?

You are wrapped up in the Chuck Todd brand of politics as sport. Watch the polls. Move the message accordingly. Stick to bland platitudes without inspiring and heaven forbid, do not rock the boat. You might upset someone.

The symbolism of not doing everything possible to get an obvious felon out of the White House reeks of losing.

The Senate can then put the President on trial and remove him from office.

Symbolism doesn’t win elections, though. If we impeach Trump, but the Senate doesn’t convict, he walks away with a gigantic political win. He will have gone into and endured the crucible of impeachment, and walked out with his job intact. It won’t be something he hangs his head in shame over, because he’s not an

I don’t think we should impeach Trump, either. Nancy Pelosi is still, nevertheless, a centrist fucking shill. Just not on account of this.

I don’t understand how anybody can imagine that this is a Watergate-style, Nixonian scenario. Nixon resigned willingly. He was also, whatever else you might want to say about him, an ordinary politician. Trump is not ordinary. He doesn’t have a political legacy to protect from catastrophic harm. He does not care about

The answer to that problem, of course, is to actually, you know, fucking help people, so that they can’t just be won over by the next huckster who points at brown folks, blames them for the shitty world we live in, and promises to build a wall to keep them all out. Yes, I get it. We all want to point our fingers at

next we’ll be hearing what a huge liability it is that he’s not for reparations because the 17 ADOS people online don’t like him.

Gee can you find some footage of Bernie talking to black female voters where they aren’t handing him his ass on a platter?

I’m no ageist (OH no), but I worry about the state of his health and the toll that the Presidency (normally) takes on a real highest official.

Well no, it doesn’t “rankle” me. I’m just kind of entertained by how many butthurt centrists populate the forums here. It’s almost like getting you to show up all hot and bothered is kind of the point of Splinter. :D

If the choice is Biden v Trump, the end result won’t matter in the long run. The choice will be obvious in the short run, Trump needs to go, but the next Trump (and there will be another Republican who wins president) will be even worse. I did not think someone could top Bush so quickly. I was wrong.

Question: why do you read Splinter?