jello felony

If you are the kind of person who wants to just make sure everyone gets along...

There is no hand other than the third one, in this case. Like, seriously, do we even need to consider any other possibility than that this is just a crass attempt to cash in by filling some perceived void in the sincerity/sensitivity market niche? This is to our current era as X-Treme marketing was to the ‘90s. There

It’s not even remotely comparable, and you know it. Nobody is arguing that Epic had better not buy anything whatsoever. What we’re arguing is that Epic’s financial moves appear to be designed to achieve vast dominance, very quickly, at a genuine cost to consumers (having to use a featureless launcher because Epic is

This is straight bullshit. Steam started as a patcher and copy protection for Valve games. Publishers came to them when they realized that Valve appeared to have found a solution for implementing anti-piracy measures that didn’t make players want to vomit. That’s how it went. Valve never went on a great purchasing

At the same time, I think a large part of what fuels a lot of gamers’ unwillingness to see things through is a sense that finishing a game means experiencing an end to consumption. In other words, if you never finish anything, you’re always in the middle of a feast, always consuming. I think we should be at least a

But this.... this feels..... gross for some reason.

Epic needs to stop stealing games from Steam and look at unreleased games for exclusives, these flip flop of games that are already sold on steam is super annoying.

Which, okay, but why you’d show such loyalty to a corporation that has their market cornered is beyond me.

He’s speculating. He doesn’t have to provide evidence.

But if only straight white dudes are labor, how would this party ever win anything? /s

Oh God, shut up. That’s the NYT living up to its traditional discourse standards. They won’t even print four-letter words in quotes by sources. That’s not a Trump administration thing. That’s an old-hat media thing, and if you think that’s where the average person is getting their news now, you’re crazy. Two of the

I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if doubling down on the creepiness of this Sonic aesthetic were an intentional part of a sort of anti-PR strategy, where you drum up interest by turning the product into a meme. People are definitely going to want to head out and see just how cursed this movie is when it releases. If

If this content vs. cinema dichotomy is real, then how exactly would it be the case that Endgame is the movie that proves it? It has been obvious that this is a thing for quite a long time now. The best way to get butts in seats is to serialize a successful film, and to turn it into at least a semi-coherent franchise,

Yeah, there’s this really pathetic tone of exasperation parading around as a serious view on Tarantino, but the tone only really works if you already agree with the subtext that Tarantino is an exasperating figure. Comes across as a petty jab otherwise.

Not that Tarantino wouldn’t change his mind, but I’m pretty sure he talked about wanting to spend more time writing if/when he stops directing. I doubt he’s just going to walk off into the sunset entirely.

Even if this were true, there is major value in having vehicles not spitting out their emissions in large population centers, leading to massively increased rates of asthma and other public health issues.

Have you even watched non-Fox 24-hour news? You can’t be serious that the media is giving Trump a pass. If anything, they spend far too much time on him, considering how little good it’s doing to hurt him politically.

Here’s my question: short of a conviction following impeachment (and we all know that won’t happen), in what world do you imagine this actually hurting Trump? He is not an ordinary politician. He isn’t going to be like, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I messed up” and willingly remove himself from the picture. He has no

You think Jeff Bezos isn’t making “rational,” “logical” decisions in the management of Amazon, which then eventually lead to its distribution centers being hellscapes?

Yeah, I mean, they’re fitting in socially. I’m not really defending it, because I think it has its own shitty qualities. But it’s still better, in my view, than the “pure merit” route, where we don’t care so much about how things operate socially, because objective measures of individual productivity take precedence