That’s all great, but admit it: He messed up with the “She the People” event. That was a genuinely lame performance.
That’s all great, but admit it: He messed up with the “She the People” event. That was a genuinely lame performance.
This is the dumbest basis for creating a web browser that I have ever seen. Is the entire point to rope in people who insist on acting ethically, while giving them exactly none of the conveniences that integrated ecosystems (like those surrounding Google services via Chrome) offer? Fantastic appeal. I’m sure Brave…
I mean, doesn’t this just highlight the reality that a lot of what goes into material success ultimately comes down to people liking you and thinking you’re “a good fit” for whatever the situation is? It’s not right or good that BS’ers seem to be the winners of this game, on average, but at the same time, I think it’s…
Glad to see that Sanders is getting credit for his view on felon voting rights, but I’m not sure why he otherwise seems to get such a raw deal around here. He fundamentally believes what he does for sincere reasons, grounded in an understanding of the basic humanity of individuals, yet his positions are oddly…
There’s no way in the world she knew that was the answer she was going to get. It’s a dumb question that somehow managed, by happenstance, to receive a good answer. In other words, the answer, 99 times out of 100, would have been shit, due to the low quality of the question.
I love how people are most concerned about spoilers for movies that have the most predictable plot outcomes.
I mean, I don’t care how he gets removed. I just don’t think he can be removed via impeachment, because he would never be convicted by Congress.
Having hearings where the admin and their GOP lackeys have to testify under oath will not be a win for Trump, regardless and especially if the senate refuses to act.
What value do you believe this “rebuke” has in a process that doesn’t end with Trump being removed from power by force of the law? Do you really believe he is going to finally admit how ashamed he is and resign willingly? Or do you simply not care that, if he doesn’t leave office, some way, somehow, the whole event…
I’m not saying MK11 is handling everything well, but this has really demonstrated that people don’t know what the fuck they want, except something to bitch about.
I’m so glad we keep pushing the graphical limits, guys. What would loot box UIs look like if we didn’t? *shudder*
Sweeny knows Valve can’t easily do this, so he’s taking advantage of that by taking the podium to look like the good guy.
No hard evidence, obviously, but I highly doubt that Steam is being hurt much, if at all, by the Epic storefront.
I still don’t see how PC storefront exclusivity is anti-consumer in any way shape or form. Console gamers don’t lose their shit this badly when PS4 or Xbox One has exclusivity and that requires an actual purchase. It’s fucking embarrassing really.
How does this logic even work? If you have to toss bags of money at studios and publishers to get them to release games on your platform, then obviously the 88% split, which Epic touts as the platform’s biggest appeal to game producers, isn’t actually all that appealing. That’s really all Epic is admitting here. To…
I thought the people pissing about folks they don’t like using social media weren’t in favor of using algorithms to police content, because those algorithms always get shit wrong, and we need to just hire millions of real people to sift through the bullshit and take down / ban on a case-by-case basis. So why the…
Okay. How? Be specific. Give concrete examples. Have a plan. Do exactly what the other forum candidates did and spell it out for us.
There is more than enough rope to hang Bernie on that he didn’t need any help at all. For real you Bernie stans are funny as shit about his sketchy voting history, taxes and his sudden desire to defend his wealth. He’s accomplished nothing meaningful after thirty years in the senate but hey grifters gonna girft huh?
The event was hosted by Joy Reid. Need anyone say more?