F.Y. Jones

Apparently, you didn’t read past “Valley of Fire”, where I continued on to Zion, UT, and back. A total trip of 370 miles. The Bullshit you smell is your own reading comprehension. 

Purely anecdotal, but I worked on a morning TV show years ago and he was on as a guest. I’ve always been a Food Network fan so I went to the green room to say hi and he was incredibly nice. I was very low on the totem pole at the time but he took a few minutes to ask me about what I do on the show and came off as very

It doesn’t seem to me like Kirby ever claims that Stan did nothing? He’s just frustrated with the framing that Stan was *the* most important figure in the creation of these iconic characters.

Fuck nazis, and fuck nazi sympathizers.


Stunned it’s not a slideshow

That’s just weird vanity dogshit the Coens were too nice to dissuade Turturro from doing.

Hopefully they don’t do that. Regardless, this is such a nothing article. He was asked a hypothetical question and he answered hypothetically. This is not news. Nothing happened. There’s no there there.  

“But, again, a lot of people have gotten swept up in ‘cancellation’, and I worry about that; it’s unsustainable, in a way,” Ringwald asserts. “Some people have been unfairly canceled and they don’t belong in the same category as somebody like Harvey Weinstein.”

I know cops are fucking garbage, but to what end were they even trying to frame this poor woman? Who does it benefit? Do they just do this sort of thing for sport or something?

I’ll just say, he does some jaw-droppingly dexterous kicks while in that fat suit.

Just got out of it! I loved it. One thing I, no irony, did love was

It’s a ridiculously short timeline - Theon Greyjoy only killed the puppy about a week ago.

Nah, fuck this review.

Uh, no? I mean, personally, I think Hoop Dreams is better in every single metric but, beyond that, Hoosiers has an ugly racial subtext that makes the comparison pretty striking. Hoosiers wants to pretend that white kids in the American heartland are the underdog while Hoop Dreams explicitly shows how much the

This is one of the core problems of the whole thing. People often talk about how in most countries, traffic cops don’t have guns. But unfortunately, in the United States, they kind of have to assume everyone they stop has a gun, because they COULD have a gun. So of course they have guns. It’s just classic escalation.

I feel torn, on the one hand: ACAB forever. On the other, if anyone is going to get shot at a traffic stop then one of these guys... y’know.

I’m the oddball collector. I don’t keep up with what’s new or coming out. I don’t care what the “market value” of anything is. I simply go to the diecast toy section, look for cars I like, buy them, and go home to stick them on my wall.

Yeah, that’s rich. Maybe not among some obscene country club set, but you’re in the 1% of 1% of the world population as am I. And I could claim the same “self-made” nonsense and for similar reasons, plus in spite of a sociopathic father I was lucky I didn’t have to kill to protect others, but good for us working and

having grown up in the south in the late 20th century, i have the impression that Corvette doods like Corvettes and don’t cross-shop other models.