They’ll be some criminal conspiracy that Boyd used to be a part of and Raylan will have to visit him in prison to try and get some answers. Or, they release him to help Raylan and we get the best remake of 48 hours ever!
They’ll be some criminal conspiracy that Boyd used to be a part of and Raylan will have to visit him in prison to try and get some answers. Or, they release him to help Raylan and we get the best remake of 48 hours ever!
Is there any valid reason to actually have so much animosity toward Markle? She just seems like, I dunno, a person...I admit I don’t keep up on the British royal family in the way that someone like Clarkson does, but beyond the usual racism and sexism, is there really anything she’s done to inspire SO MUCH vitriol?
Hello! This is Kalensar, one of the main cheerleaders of the project, and supporter listed in the credits section.
This article is very negative, but electric plane makers are saying they have 250 miles of range now. 80% or more of all flights are “short haul” and if electric planes can replace that, it’d be a big step in the right direction. One airline in Alaska has already committed to go electric which makes sense because they…
The specific energy of jet fuel is around 12,600 watt-hours per kilogram. This means that with 1 kilogram of fuel, you could get a power of 1 watt for 1 hour
Another thing to consider is the consumption of fuel. Because a jet engine burns jet fuel, it loses that 160,000 kg over the course of a flight, effectively becoming more efficient as it flies. The weight of batteries never leaves the plane.
Yeah nobody is “swooping in” and buying Tesla or its charging network - not with the current valuation. The way I see it happening is that, after the stock goes down another 50% in the next year, Musk will be replaced by the current COO. The stock will rebound on the news that a grown-up is now in charge, and maybe…
Company profit reinvested in company and not Twitter?
10 of the worst article types ever made:
honestly the simple answer is you restore the cockpit without actually replacing the internal hardware (just make the lights and switches for fun effect). Then give it a good once over with some paint on the outside. then just set it up in Vegas or Nashville as a tourist trap. maybe allow people to reserve it for…
First off, why are we paying to maintain them if they have a crew provided under the insurance? Really, we seized them to screw over those in power back in Russia, just let them freaking rust and rot tied up somewhere and hand over the remains if that time comes or auction them off whenever enough time has passed. The…
This is so dumb. I have zero interest in any Discovery programming. I wouldn’t want it on my HBO Max account even if it were free. I really dislike piracy, both for ethical reasons and because it’s a hassle, but it’s sounding better and better every day.
Counterpoint: smoke does not make everything taste better.
Honestly, I don’t want the music deplatformed. I’m Jewish and I’m absolutely crushed by Ye’s words and the pile-on from Nazi fuckheads hanging their banners on the LA freeway. But his music (at least through MBDTF) is so unimpeachably good. I don’t want to lose it for anything. I have to believe that the guy who wrote…
Goddamn, his fall from grace has been a snowball down the alps. Going from creating some of the best hip-hop albums of the modern era to this. Those albums are full of lyrics and insights that are counter to what dude’s become. What a fuckin’ disappointment. What a disgrace.
This is why Dennis needs to stick with a proper vehicle like a Range Rover
George Lucas has always said that Star Wars was a fairy tale for children. That certainly tracked with the prequels, particularly Phantom Menace. The Abrams sequels were Star Wars for adults in arrested development.
I was completely against this show when it was announced. I even said “who asked for this show?!” to express my distaste.
Another example of how goddamn heavy EVs are. Crunch, crunch goes the asphalt. Sag and buckle go the bridges and overpasses.
Your input after having neither read the article nor watched the show is appreciated.