F.Y. Jones

It’s absolutely not more complicated than that. Maybe it’s ten seconds? I’ve known two friends with them. Seen them use it. It’s extremely simple. Get in car, pick up device, press the only button on it, wait two seconds for it to say “blow,” blow one breath, take one breath in while keeping your mouth on the straw,

Lot of people failing to realize that the breathalyzer interlock device isn’t about personal safety, it’s about protecting others. That’s why there’s a government interest here. Drunk drivers kill other people and survive the accident. That’s manifestly unfair and putting a drunk driver in jail does not give back a

Kim Cattrall looks better & better for walking away from Sex & the City

Bruh, I remember back when Chris Brown first hit Rhianna and he GAINED fangirls. It’s not exclusive to boomers.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to click through a 100-slide slideshow.

I don’t think this makes anyone look like an asshole. Even if he did have a heart-to-heart with Grohl, Hawkins is his own man and makes his own decisions. If he didn’t want to tour, he wouldn’t tour. For all we know, maybe they agreed after this tour that things were going to change?

Easy. Some people worship money, power and status above all else. All the details and justifications after the fact are just bullshit. 

They’ll be used to sell vending machines. RIP Mitch Hedberg.

You are leaving? This is so much very ungood for Jalopnik.

Have always appreciated your unfazed take on the state of the world that we live in, which is obviously impossible to separate from car culture (as much as bootlickers in the comments would like to think it is). Calling it like it is, dunking on bootlickers in the comments, and looking forward to the electrified

Silver: “You’re playing with fire, Danny boy.”

He also loved Crash and was rooting it to win best picture. He sometimes was off on his reviews.

Been doing some sci-fi rewatches with my older son and I think Wrath of Khan may be the best sci-fi franchise movie ever made. I will always love Star Wars but Wrath of Khan elevates not only its own roots but the genre as a whole. Its also a master course in making sci-fi on reasonable budget. I like Star Trek: The

Even Fast Times dealt with abortion -- and unlike more recent comedies like Juno, the character actually goes through with it.

Something is afruit at the Circle K.

Agreed - and the cereal milk ice cream with cornflake crumble is very fun to make at home, too!

The whole thing kind of falls apart without the right lead. Actors with Chow Yun-fat’s charisma and presence are few and far between.

No that’s ok I’ll watch the original again, thanks!

This is my final feature for The A.V. Club. Thank you all for reading my music writing. It's been such a joy to give the music section the love it deserves.

Wow, I didn’t even know they were doing a second season. Thought the first was great, though.