as a hispanic im in the same sentiment as the punch you guy
as a hispanic im in the same sentiment as the punch you guy
“Latinx” was coined by Latinx activists but then broadly adopted by a lot of white activists, meaning the vast majority of Latin Americans first heard themselves described as “Latinx” by a white person. Not hard to see why folks bristle at the term.
He’s too busy writing new material for his standup. Apparently ticket sales for his upcoming shows have skyrocketed since it happened, and I suspect he’ll be dining out on the incident for many years to come.
They make them turn in their prop badge and gun.
You make several excellent points, F.Y. Cheers!
I really don’t understand why this is so much worse than so many of the cars we claim to love on here.
It’s a crazy pills moment. Everyone that saw the Oscars witnessed a crime being committed. And some folks are falling over themselves to try to justify that crime rather than simply say that it’s a crime and it’s fucked up.
So many people genuinely believe “violence is only okay in situations that I personally find emotionally satisfying.”
It’s the only real reason that the death penalty still exists in the United States.
If you think no one is talking about the war in Ukraine, you must be living under a rock.
I used to agree with this 100%, but now I honestly think it heavily depends on where you live. If you live somewhere with smooth roads and not a huge amount of steep inclines than a wagon is perfect, but if you live somewhere with awful roads and lots of sudden inclination changes than an SUV/Crossover makes more…
You still have to hold the brake when sitting at a stop with a manual... Unless you live in Nebraska and have never heard of elevation changes.
All very good points. Hopefully they will stick to the right lane most of the time especially if they are at or just below the speed limit for efficiency purposes.
You know, maybe that diabetes convoy that was canvassing DC should be more concerned about this instead of imaginary mandates and harassing people on their home turf.
I feel like that should be on a trailer not the street.
He doesn’t have to regret a thing. He’s Nicolas fucking Cage, OK?
“He just did the jump with no warning! It was a good think we were all standing off to the sides of the street with all of our phones recording video, because that guy came out of nowhere!”
He stopped caring about Arcade Fire just like everybody else
A reboot would probably look like How I Met Your Father.