
@moonshadowkati: Agreed. I can see the news story teaser now: "The loud-mouthed bigot was attacked after making racist comments at the local rally. All he could say about his attacker was it was a bat being swung by a blurry haze. Sort of film at 11"

@Ridley: Not a new plot mechanism: Ghost in the Shell - The Laughing man, Punisher 2099, ...

I'm tired of these sponsored "reviews". This sucking up to the manufacturers just to keep the supply of free crap rolling in has got to stop. Just for once I would like to see a review where a Giz reporter actually speaks their mind. Goddamn vendor whores.

@Odin: I actually thought the Games line should read "Duh" for the 360/PS3 entry.

@daytripper1: Agreed on the whole potential for damage thing, that's nothing to dismiss. A big ass bomb is a big ass bomb. But if you are trying to deliver it in a 40's era plane you aren't playing with a full deck.

@scojac: Its not a matter of how you take it. Its what the word means. [] I understand what the author is trying to say, its just the wrong word for the statement. Unless they have is out for us all. If that's the case, then I withdraw my comment.

@Curves: Thank whatever powers that be I did not manage to get back to this post before I got off that call. "And as you can see on page 53 of the assessment that lapses in security by end users are responsible for most of the impacts to your boybutter, er, application."

"Don't be afraid to get a," How about we change that to shocked, zapped or electrically tickled? Electrocution/electrocuted implies death as a result and like pregnancies you can't be just a little _______.

@Curves: I swear to God that I mean no malice in this but as soon as I read the follow-up comments all I could think of was: "There's a cream for that." Please ignore this comment, I just needed to get it out of my head before I start my next conference call.

@FlyingAvocado: True. So were the ME-109 and the Mustang. The point is that they may indeed be deadly but if they are on par with 40's era technology they aren't going to compete well with today's military threats. You may have said bomb or plane but it won't make it close enough to the target to be a threat.

@FlyingAvocado: Yes, and they were built IN THE 40's with little to no computing resources.

@Toji: I think that any country that does a show of force via a weapons presentation should expect criticism (and rightly so). A country that does something like this should expect flat out mocking.

@Zordon: Iranian Press release: "Cruise Missile" was already trademarked and patented by the evil, godless USA. We went with a not-given-to-us-by-the-former-USSR-and-completely-developed-on-our-own technology and naming conventions straight out of the 50's.

@Dogen: Gotta say it: Cirque du SoleiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...

@enlight10ment: Everyone but those people who have had to deal with them face to face...

@blub: I thought the story was General Santa Anna and his fancy underwear after the Battle of San Jacinto. []

@Gene: I'm pretty sure the base wasn't right next to whatever passes for a local highway so I'm guessing only a few were ordinance delivery types (bombers, etc.) and the rest were helicopters delivering troops. Just speculation.

@Jakooboo- Writing secret messages as we speak.: Original Dr. Pepper is waaaaaay better than Mexican Cokes (the only way to get Coke with cane sugar around here as far as I know). A trip to the gift shop is like a pilgrimage every time business takes me back to the homeland.

@ps61318: Yeah, he was using the really old meaning of the word. Like when people use "axe" to talk about something to cut down trees.