
And never get to the bottom of this issue? No thank you Sir (or Madam)! No thank you!

Excellent suggestion. As long as LTA has the basic optics details (focal length, etc.) he/she should be able to make something like this work for you: [] There are easier tools to use but most aren't nearly as capable and since the images may not have full EXIF data, they may not work.

I'm not sure your assessment is fully correct but the warning is probably valid. Most 'hot' things that we see in day to day life are emitting in the IR end of the light spectrum, not UV. That doesn't mean that there is no UV or that your lens(es) and camera sensors are not affected by this though. What is probably

Wow. A wedding video and in 3D. How many other ways can you make video that no one wants to watch?

NIC card

My first impression as well. The turrets were frequently only held in place by gravity, if the ship inverted at some point it could dump them. I think this is what happend to the Bismarck (sp?). But the more I think about it you would expect to have a shipwreck nearby but no mention of that. And the photo doesn't

Same. I was going to go for a "If I fits, ..." comment.

The part that any parent here would have noticed is that every time the dad snaps a picture you can hear the 'shutter' and of course the kid is looking away. "Smile for the camera" is a parent's pipe dream. Too cute tho. I'm off to find the lightest cam corder I can and some duct tape. I have to hurry, the wife

And for the lazy among you like myself who spent years mastering these techniques, get paper wheels and a cheap bench grinder. For less than $75 spent years ago (wheels and grinder) I have been sharpening any knife I own (pocket, utility, kitchen) in a matter of minutes. I got mine here [] but

I don't (and I'm sure that they don't) intend any offense. As a cancer survivor myself I see the humor and comfort in this. I lost an eye to a fairly rare manifestation of melanoma that could have been treated if caught earlier. An awareness campaign for what caught up with me would have been nice.

Good ol' shake and bake meth. Look it up. A great way to get yourself killed. (Besides using meth)

Polymer tips are used to try and prevent a collapse of the hollow point at first impact which is (well, mostly was) a problem with some early designs. If the walls of the hollow point are crushed due to striking something rigid on the person, or even very dense clothing, the bullet looses the ability to expand as

Shouldn't that have been "!="? And only phones of the last 2-ish years are micro usb, I have several older phones that are mini USB.

Its like a (reverse?) kayak membrane. I feel I would have to hold a cheeseburger while using that. Or a pint of ice cream.

Loading the movie in Netflix now to watch while i work.

Hey, corporations are people too... Wait. Well, just... Shit.

From what I saw, the driver was the one that got out of the passenger side door. Fairly nimble in my opinion. Of course none of them looked to be wearing seat belts so maybe it was more of a series of stupid moves caught on camera.

It would have been too 'off' for Whedon's dialogue in my opinion but it certainly would have been easier to deal with over the Oracle/Sun brand slapped on anything computer looking that wasn't J.A.R.V.I.S.