
@JakeMG: ♂ Man: OK but do I get to at least say a polite "I told you so" when the submissions with "I swear to God this isn't shopped! Me and my friend were..." start rolling in? (f'd up grammer intentional)

@JakeMG: ♂ Man: Oh dear God no. If I see one more digital photo where someone's flash or ray of light lit up a speck of dust and they call it a ghost I'm going to go make some real ghosts.

@williamgarzon: One of the real reasons was long exposure times. They wanted everyone to remain perfectly still for several seconds and holding a smile that doesn't look creepy is harder than just sitting there. Another common reason is that this was the poor man's portrait. It was an attempt to duplicate the

@pixelpushing: How tall are you that you can hide behind the screen of a netbook?

@boyracer: Warranties don't replace data...

@the RT100: I think what many people don't understand is the way that a project as big as an air craft carrier (or pivotal like our primary air superiority fighter) evolves over time. Proposed features and technologies change faster than the plan can be implemented and all of those changes have to be vetted and shoe

@Justin: I'm too lazy to check but is Big Lebowski even available on Watch Instantly?

@RainyDayInterns: I agree that poor implementations of CF yield crappy products but when done properly CF is amazing. As an example, most climbing helmets are rated for 1 fall only. This beast survives 10 "falls" when tested []

@Charliehorse: That's just silly. Its not the Calvin sticker that does the trick. Everyone knows its the spoiler that bring the performance. Or maybe chrome exhaust tips. Truck nuts alone would be worth at least 1.5 Mpix.

If their add model doesn't generate sufficient revenue then its broken. Its either a problem with the placement / mechanics of the add or the means in which they are marketed (price, etc.). The whole thing to me rings of the old redneck joke where two guys are buying and selling bales of hay for $1 each and come to

@OMG! The Niteman Cometh!: Whoa? That's Joey Lawrence. Fonzie would say AAYYYYYYYYY!!

@GadgetGuy247: I have a long time coworker that lives in Jersey. I give him no end of grief about The Shore and every stereo type you have heard of. (Garden State? Ha!, etc.) The fact that he doesn't even bother to argue with me says a lot. The response is something like, "Not everyone is like that..." Now if

@GadgetGuy247: "if you squint yours eyes, you'll see the similarities with this picture" A Penis?

@Twanzio: Aren't "fuck you" and "business jargon" synonymous? Or is that "legalese"? I get them mixed up.

Pinch to zoom... dammit! Is crushing it between your fingers covered under reasonable use?

@SEDAGIVE?!: Hrmmm... HP 8530w EliteBook and no problems. Must be due to not having a 'P' descriptor in the name.

@Sir Gibler: How do you think they bought it once?

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Don't confuse hardness with tensile strength or impact strength, diamonds can shatter fairly easily. Think about old style cutting methods. Either way, if you have the green to test blend diamonds in one of these you can probably come up with better ways to amuse yourself.