
Do you have to put your age on your resume?

My senior collegue in front-end development is 40. He was a mechanics and he switched about 10 years ago and he seems very happy with this field.

Good to know.

Then we could start a nerf battle and the winner gets to use the bathroom first while the other one makes coffee. Sounds great !

I like it.

Actually I was raised a catholic but I mostly believe because I wouldn’t want to get in trouble when I die if it turns out to be true. Deep down I always found the idea of just nothing much more comforting. It would be my favourite choice after reincarnation.
As to the body, I couldn’t care less about what it becomes.

Growing up on a small island I learned the opposite. People care where I am from. They notice, they judge they laugh and they do it all out loud. I used to be extraverted but years of mean comments made me doubt of everything.

I still remember trying to convince myself that maybe I was being paranoid then someone