And he is not stopping!
A few months later and he drop this bomb with 3.1!
And he is not stopping!
A few months later and he drop this bomb with 3.1!
Really surprised to see FFXIV:Heavensward missing from this list. Soken has really been killing it since taking over for Uematsu.
Most of the FFXIV Heavensward soundtrack. The expansion may have fizzled out fast, but the music didn’t. Example: whole song but phase 2 is where it’s at, starts at 5:44
Fahey’s response is perfect, and yeah, there isn’t much to say about a comic that totally misrepresents what actually happened here. At no point did we claim to “see lots of problems” with unannounced/unfinished games, and at no point did the developers tell us things that they wanted to keep secret; all of the…
Sunday Comics is supposed to be a happy place, both for the readers and for me. I look forward to compiling this post every weekend, catching up on all of my favorite webcomics in the process.
Thanks for reminding us. Now I’ve got the thought of that muppet scene in E3 where he knocks on Mr Iwata’s door only this time no one answers
Oh god.. I would love to see The Hound as a Fire bender..every attack he cowers in fear!