
To be fair, those yearly assassin creeds may be made by the same studio, but by different teams of people in said studio. So we can estimate a possible 2 years of development for each. As one is nearing completion a second is about half-way through development. Then as the ‘new’ game is released that team starts on

Is it just me or, from the nose up, does he look like Nicholas Cage?

I was kinda dissapointed that Heavensward wasn’t included. Of all the games I’ve played this year, the Heavensward soundtrack is my favorite.

Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t moogles a relatively ‘recent’ FF addition? I think they were introduced in FF3 with Mog. Also, Final Fantasys that don’t include Moogles are: FF8(Minimog/Chocobo World miniquest never made it to the states though I had a memory card that FF8 thought was one of the portable cards so

It actually looks more like the Fire Pheonix from Fuzors. At least I think thats what it was called?

If there is no stone that can burn then what is Coal?

Curse you double post!