Ben A.

He was a self-serving piece of shit all his life. But he was our self-serving piece of shit and for that we shall respect him when he finally crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

“what haven’t I done it with?”

Okay but had you done it with edamame?

Or women. Or children.

It’s almost as if people who are pushing an agenda that has no basis in science at all don’t actually care about science.

Frank Castle wasn’t particularly sane since he traded his cop shirt for a Death’s Head.

Look at the dialogue, the body language, and the fact he’s offering a hand to shake. Unless the endless drama of living until the very end has broken Frank’s resolve... that’s Deadpool joking that he’s The Punisher.

I was so sure it was Deadpool. Like 99 percent sure.

There’s no one set way that either metahuman or tech-based effects have to be depicted. You see cloaking technology, I see an artist rendering what the Mime envisions when he’s fighting people. Loosen up a little bit, jeeze.

hah Screw the Goonies house people keep harassing. That’s the place I wanna check out.

Fun fact: the Murphys’ townhouse was about half a mile from where I grew up.

Lobster. I’m planning to sous vide some lobster for Valentine’s Day, and would love to learn how it works out for you first.

Just once I would like a Truther to explain the workings of thermite, what exactly was found and how it was used.

lol That has to be the name of like an anti 9/11 truther book.

Same goes for flat earthers

Truthers- After 17 years of this bullshit please, please, PLEASE shut the fuck up.

Either you’re infected by malware, or your standards of what you consider obnoxious are insanely entitled.

Oh, good thing Captain Boomerang’s there. Don’t know how they’d succeed without him.

This is quite possibly the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever done.