Ben A.

The DS4 is an excellent PC controller anyways. I bought several years back just for PC gaming.

you buy a controller?

“ is it not cool to say you died fighting as a knight?”

You are wrong. The Lifehack gods have spoken.

An average 20-pound watermelon will give you about 66 3/4-inch thick wedges

Dang it! Before the great kinja ungraying (the followinging) I could deftly hide my bad jokes in the grays. Now I’m going to have to sit here and eat it, like a wig wearing Scotsman behind a podium.

You started out fine, but then you went off the rails. It is true that you don’t have the right to speed.



Yesssss... this was... a great post... and you... deserve... a raise, Alan...

My Year In Gawker Hate Mail

I started working at in April of last year, and ever since, I’ve received a constant barrage of always

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

Memento is the least of the problems that appear on that list...

“Ears are a little long, and I miss the cape but not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.”

“Man” used to be a generic term for a human being in English, like it still is in German (“mensch”). Male human was called a “wereman” and female human a “wyfman”. Over time “man” began increasingly implying masculine person by default, so “wereman” fell out of practice, leaving only “wyfman”, which evolved into

Wifey: You need to wear dress shoes.

But my recipes are on my phone, and my hands are covered with flour and oil so I’m not sure the touchscreen will work, and dammit I need to stir something in right now, but I don’t remember what to add, and which freaking recipe step was I on anyway?

I’ve been married to my roommate for 16 years, so if she’s going to kill me at this point, I probably did something to deserve it.

The thought that the world is getting dumber is mostly confirmation bias. As a result of the digital age and the introduction of iodized salt, it is fairly clear that people have gotten smarter.

I disagree sharply. I think this culture that fosters and even encourages sloth and fatness is toxic, literally, and is killing our people, again literally. If more people pursued the “vain” pursuits of fitness and a normal body fat then we as a society would be far healthier, not to mention much more pleasant to look

I do not read this as body sculpting, but rather making sure you are strengthening your whole body. This is something that typically needs to be done intentionally, because we tend to gravitate towards exercises we “like more” (typically those we are already strong enough to do ;) ). However, to obtain functional