Ben A.

“Every time he teleports, an adorable young orphan dies. To save the world, he’s going to be killing a whole lot of orphans. Zack Snyder’s Ambush Bug, coming in 2019.”

Eighteen months later, Warner Bros. releases a dark, gritty reimagineering of Ambush Bug in an attempt to capitalize on its success.

6. Then do Ms. Marvel

It’s simple Marvel:

Wanna know what was a bigger missed opportunity? Having the Joker be played by literally anyone else.

You shut your damn mouth. I’m not ready to believe so badly of our species that anyone fucking likes Scorpion.

I enjoyed it after setting my expectations low AND reminding myself while watching it, that “It’s not as bad as Battlefield Earth.”.

Now playing

So it turns out this was actually him just breaking the fourth wall?

Holding a grudge? Have you looked at SPLOID post titles vs the content recently?

I love you guys. Unabashedly.

You’re reading a “... for Hillary” where this post does not include one. Donald Trump does not do anything for anyone who is not Donald Trump.

... sky is blue and water is wet.

Have you ever read anything on Foxtrot Alpha before? lol

*cough cough* saudi arabia *cough cough* egypt *cough cough cough*

I’d like to read that explanation, but it is longer than 140 characters, and seems to contain a substance called “nuance” that I hear is important in international diplomacy, but which just confuses me.

I still think it’s shady that we gave $400m in untraceable cash to a regime that funds a lot of really really bad opposed to the somewhat-bad groups we’re funding.

They choose drives based on cost, reliability and storage. Whenever they can get a deal on a drive they buy it because every drive is going to fail and the overhead cost of replacing a drive is the same regardless of how much the drive cost up front and how much storage space it has.


The failure rate is determined by the number failed / total for the brand. More data only serves to smooth out the final result but when you are talking thousands of drives the overall result won't change much between 2,000 drives and 10,000 drives.