Ben A.

I will warn you, they can be tedious, depending on what you decide to put in them. It’s why my family just makes a dozen dozen every December, freeze them, and pull them out throughout the year to cook and eat.

What do you put in your tamales? I make a shredded red chili meat. Of course, I also use a massive roast for it. I’d have to get a bigger tub if I wanna see about sous-viding that part.


I love your commentary. We need a play by play of future recipes you suggest.

This definitely looks like a fun morning with friends.

I don’t think I’ve had enough to drink to understand this.....

This is great! I’m going to build an artistic wood carving of this flow chart to hang in my office, so I can better follow it!

*but shouldn’t you just get working and follow the instructions of the flowchart when-*


Oh god, Blanton’s.... my one weakness....

Woo... we get to be a cautionary tale for whatever civilization discovers our ruins. I’m so excited...

I second penguins. I would prefer if the species who takes over for us is better dressed than most of us.

I think it will depend on what you want in your experience. If you stay in town, I could imagine they would anachronism their way to comfortable toiletries. If you choose to go further out, the more “intense” experience would include more realistic situations.

I never considered the other bacon uses! I’ve been so burned out on bacon-everything I went back to just normal bacon eating. But this! The bacon weave for sandwiches, candied bacon... I might even compare raw to sous-vide bacon ground up and added to burgers. A whole world of opportunity awaits!

#3 is the most important one. I’ve had friends sit there and wait for a single company to call them back. Sometimes it works out. Most of the time, it doesn’t. Then they’re stuck scrambling to get a new lead together.

Found a version of it, though I don’t remember adding extra sugar. Still, this has the basic idea. As a kid, the idea of a powdered drink intrigued me, though as an adult, I might see if I can find a way to make this from scratch.

It can be a lot of fun to play with it though. Some standard things to add would be cinnamon, or nutmeg, but I recommend just trying whatever you think might look good.

I’m...kinda surprised. I thought the full English version of Wikipedia would take up more space than that. Hell, I carry around ten times the space of Wikipedia in my general use bag.

Dana Owens (Queen Latifah) came into a fast casual restaurant I was working in like 5 or 6 years ago? While it wasn’t required to tip there, plenty of people still left a few bucks. She didn’t tip, which perturbed me until a friend pointed out that if she didn’t have cash, there wasn’t a way to tip. Fair.

Regular hot chocolate, perhaps? Doesn’t have to be made with dark chocolate.

Yet another reason life has given me to move to New York.

...think we can find a way to include pigs in a blanket?