Yes! I already completed this! I opened up an IRA through Ally over the weekend!
Yes! I already completed this! I opened up an IRA through Ally over the weekend!
I did terribly on this month’s challenge. I really need to unsubscribe from Kinja’s deals. Stupid Amazon impulse purchases....
Mandoline slicer is showing as unavailable.
Mandoline slicer is showing as unavailable.
Promo code for the LeFun Wireless 720p Pan & Tilt Baby Monitor isn’t working
Promo code for the LeFun Wireless 720p Pan & Tilt Baby Monitor isn’t working
Ah! This is perfect, as I’m moving to a new apartment this month. Should be a perfect time to get lower bills
I usually spent around $200. I live just outside a major city where I do kinda everything (which should be changing soon) and there were a few times I got stuck away from home and needed food. In addition, there were some friends’ birthdays I didn’t account for. All said, I still spent about $150, so $50 was put in…
This seems great! I technically went to a restaurant last night, so I guess I’ll do my months as the 4th to the 4th. :P That said, I think it’s important for people to remember that this is about saving, not just not spending. We not only have to control our restaurant habits, but also figure out how much we would…
I’d definitely say doing two or three ideas is not a bad thing. Not everyone has to participate in all of them, but a long term 52-week challenge, and short term Nothing New each quarter would be a good idea. Maybe have like a few other ideas for different lengths of time and people can participate as they feel their…
“Update: We’re going ziplining. Later, losers.”
“Update: We’re going ziplining. Later, losers.”
I think it’s to allow those who use Google Wallet to continue as is, while they keep building the deals needed for Android Pay’s method. They could have integrated the two methods together in one app, but people often find that confusing, and they likely wanted to avoid it.
Ah, I did not realize the Mastercard system worked like that. Thank you.
NFC payments on Google Wallet just gave the reader your card information. Android Pay uses randomly generated tokens to make the transaction more secure.
NFC payments on Google Wallet just gave the reader your card information. Android Pay uses randomly generated tokens to make the transaction more secure.
It’s a way to standarize the method of purchase, as well as add additional layers of security. Wallet’s contactless method just gave the reader your card information. Android Pay is a little more exclusive, because of the deals needed with banks and merchants for the tokenization method of payment (Instead of your…
I have to agree with the typography critics. The difference between a “c” and an “e” is pretty easy to miss on my laptop and work computer. My home desktop is fine, but if you’re making changes anyway, I’d suggest something sans serif.
No, yes.
I needed this article more than I’d like to admit. Thank you!
Pretty sure it’s a crust cutter that leaves that imprint. Can probably find it on amazon or something.
So basically... I can tell all my friends who are moving away that I’m irreplaceable right? That’s the main point here? That’s the main point I’m purposefully taking, anyway.
I think that’s going to depend on your relationship with said ex. If you aren’t involved in each others lives at all, and it’s been a while, it’s probably not necessary. Might be rude even. Whereas, if you do still interact, and things are awkward or you just know it will affect them, then yeah. Give them a heads up.…