Jehovah's Blitzness

And then Drew ran back up stairs to bed before his parents caught him and grounded him for watching football on a work night. When he got to bed, he wrapped himself in his blanket and sobbed himself to sleep.

When Arsenal win tomorrow and Bayern destory Zagreb, if you would kindly not refer to yourself as an Arsenal fan again after this, it would be greatly appreciated

It’s not Serie A dude.

Go. Fuck. Yourself.

Jesus, man.

You’re an idiot. This is by no means an indication that Patrick Kane is guilty. Victims of sexual assault decline to cooperate with prosecutors investigators all the time, and it almost never has to do with the actual guilt of the alleged perpetrator. It’s almost always, as appears to be the case here, the stress of

I hope he got Bob Costas’ pillow on his stay in Russia.

Klopp to Liverpool Because MLS Sucks

Tough season for the Colts, but I’m sure Jim Irsay is still enjoying himself.

You are wise beyond your years. Miele makes a great product. Dyson employs first-year engineering grads who are far too excited to have unfettered access to AutoCAD.

No, yeah we get it.

Still going after Jason Whitlock with those promo codes though.

I already run on a treadmill so I’m not fat. I’m not doing extra running for a fucking key chain & a lame story!

Mark Richt has lost control of the Nats.

yea, this part makes no sense. players salaries have nothing to do with salary cap games. i’m concerned so many of these dfs articles are written by people with a tenuous grasp of what is even going on.

Can’t argue with baseball dugouts, but soccer dugouts deserve points for the racecar seats.

Please stop this lauding of this guys actions as some sort of evil genius, who is somehow just playing within some sort of shit stirring tradition. He is a jackass who managed to turn what should have been a competitive match into a clown show. This was not just bad sportsmanship this was bad entertainment.


Bold statement.

you make good bullet points without any bullet points