
I grew up watching him and only now learned he was Ron Howard’s brother.

Interesting bit of trivia - his mother had a part on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and his father had a part on Angel playing Angel no less!

Talk about lopsided boobs!

I’m glad they confirmed that Mando’s just in a weird sect of the Mandalorians so nerds can stop arguing about whether wearing the helmet at all times is canon. Who am I kidding, us nerds are going to argue about everything, forever.

The Luke Wilson I have in my mind, the one I’ve cobbled together from years of watching him in movies and TV...he’s actually that guy! I love it.

The spoiler is that you’re both gigantic nerds. 

I'd say there's about a 25% chance that they will.

You are 100% right. And it is awesome. These are the salad days of Astros-fandom and they certainly won’t last forever. But more than a few of us are very appreciative. 

Perhaps. But the idea that the Astros are only winning because they gamed the system is over blown, almost to the point of complete bullshit. It’s one small part of what was a complete organizational overhaul. First, they did not build their entire roster from a series of no-doubt No. 1 picks from those years. And,

They own the Houston market, which just so happens to be the 4th largest city and 7th largest media market in the US. The team is presently valued at $1.1B.

Have you seen Yankee’s fans online? or in Person?

I know, if only I had an international platform as the most famous basketball player in the world who could bend an entire billion dollar enterprise to support emerging democratic movements in Hong Kong. If only!

I know exactly how he feels. There was this media company I liked that was bought by sociopathic hedge fund vampires who paid themselves obscene salaries while running the company into the ground.

The Toadies, the answer is the Toadies.

We are very conservative except for where the people are.

Put on your signal to lane change and asshole five car lengths back in that lane accelerates to 100 to cut you off.

I have to use a little bit of fake aggression to influence the behavior of others. So I typically just drive at the same speed that I’m trying to merge timing for a natural gap at the end of the lane. The most dickish drivers tend to be trucks and sports cars, so you can prey on their weird sense of masculine

In california everyone assumes a right turn always has the right of way. I’ve had a friend put up on the hood of a car because someone wanted to right on red and didn’t even slow down, let alone look. Just blasted into a crosswalk where people were walking with the light and walk signal.

At this point if I’m in a

Texas has a similar, but opposite problem? People sometimes merge, but then you have a lot of other people that speed down the road and try to cut in at the last minute. Either way, no one zippers.So traffic gets backed up to a stop. Because left lane cuts in, right lane goes. It’s just annoying.

this mainly applies to one dude in Knoxville, but it’s universal enough to count as this is the south so multiple people have similar vehicles....