
Look, we at The Root hate Tucker Carlson as much as the next anti-Trump fan, but finding someone’s home and harassing them at their house is way out of bounds, even for us.

So this must be the fashion version of justifying the Alex Smith contract.

Yeah, this is all fun and games and meme and lulz and feels. For now.

But let’s say it does in fact “come home” and England becomes a feel-good story. “Wow, they haven’t won in over 50 years not to mention all the heartache and disappointment along the way, good on them!” they’ll say, and then more memes will arise for

Serves those bandwagon Las Vegas fans right. 5 years ago I bet most of them didn’t even know Vegas had a team.

“Joke’s on them! Check out my awesome parking spot now”


Canadian Disaster’s Rank!:

This is the best breakdown of the fight by far.

I was happy his bike was returned. However the thief kept two things...

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

ReiNCe PRieBuS