
Well that’s kinda on you.

This play was a ‘variation’ of the Philly Special, which has the QB out as the receiver. Watch the play, the Giants sniffed that out, there were 3 defenders on Chase Daniels, so the the throw went instead to WR Anthony Miller instead.

Also, enough already with the D and the Fence.

Pop Culture Reporter doesn’t understand why someone would see a musical act 19 times = what’s bad about pop culture.

Why is it not proper to just cut and paste the text from all the tweets together into an easy to read series of sentences? Reading this guy replying to himself (and thus reading his sentences multiple times) is pretty clunky.

Chickens are not smart.

But since the course is different every year, how could anyone know if he’d finish 30th in 2001? You can’t. There is no basis for comparison year to year.

Why can’t the Tours have times slower than 15 years ago? Who compares stage times from year to year?

Sorry, that is not the legal definition of obscene.

The laser confirmed that the stones were equal distance. So the laser actually DID SOLVE the curling conundrum.

Jesus, 29 is middle aged?

Is that Al Franken’s sister? Rough couple of months for their family.

Winter Storm Eleanor? Stop that. Right now.

That concussion drug sounds unfortunately similar to Provasic.

Use a series of different words that all have grrrr sounds to start them in an effort to trip people up? Good God, that sounds insufferable.

You got a couple things wrong. The landing planes that pass overhead do not put out the deadly wind (they are getting ready to land so they don’t need to be speeding up). Second, the plane didn’t take off directly above her, she was BEHIND the plane, it drove off down the runway AWAY from her.

I’m sure the rule will be no touching with your hands.

Not even close to what’s going on.