It will be an iPhone running Honeycomb on a the new 5G network!
It will be an iPhone running Honeycomb on a the new 5G network!
@i5xswipe: I hope you are right about unlimited data but I am skeptical. I would love to be wrong this time.
@Platypus Man: I agree. I can not tell you for sure how it will work on the iPhone but Apple is not typically one to let other parties dictate terms.
@FauxReal: I would not swap my 8 month old Incredible for an iPhone.
@Pripyat: CDMA phones do not use sims so you could not make the ATT version work with Sprint or VZ. Also the AT & T versions radio is not compatible with T Mobile's 3G so it gets EDGE only if you do that.
If you are getting into fights over which carrier has better coverage you need hobby, or a job or some meaning in your life.
@Unionhawk: Because that title is more likely to get you to click it.
The Terminator's sunglasses were Gargoyles and I don't remember anything fictional about them. Didn't he just put them on to cover his exposed Terminator eye?
I may be wrong; after all I was not at CES but I was under the impression that no one has yet to see a fully functional BB Playbook. Was there a working model at CES or just a unit that had a couple of functions for demo purposes?
I could really tend my farm with that.
Not sure what you expected from a tablet made by a host of The View.
Not sure what you expected from a tablet made by a host of The View.
@Dancing Milkcarton: Damn you for beating me to it! "I have two dollars and a Casio."
@Ryan: Can anyone hear the difference between a 320 kbps rip and a 256 kbps rip? Is the human ear capable of distinguishing between the two?
@Eternal: Hey I do not discriminate! If she is hot I don't care if she is color blind or not.
That is a too bad because it would have been a thrilling event to open a time capsule from 1985. I mean after all that was 25 years ago.
@casperiv: and the guy learned that punching people is a choice that can get you arrested. Seems like a childish reaction from a 68 year old "adult."
@trs: It has one more letter.
I wish I could double the size of my lens.
@Xenon-: Not yet but wait until he gets to prison.