
"You've now survived what may go down in history as the longest upload of your life."

I assume it was to get people to use Yahoo. Is there any other reason?

@zipeater: I assume that was meant to somehow be funny but it is in bad taste. Actually I think bad taste was an understatement.

So it's a G1 laptop.

This is impressive! Definitely the nicest camera Fisher-Price has ever made.

My dorm room dreams never had televisions in them.

A short quote from one of my favorite movies, The Usual Suspects: "In English please."

If I have to do one or the other I'll pay the $33.oo. I am not putting my penis in a polar bears ear. Best case scenario he is going to point and laugh because I will be really cold. Worst case he will kill and eat me while my penis is hanging out in the cold.

This could be really cool but it all depends on which side of the door you are on.

How does this happen? WTF?

Who wants to handle my package?

@commander_k: How is BG working out for you? I watched the first episode on Netflix a couple of months ago and promptly became a non productive human being for the next three weeks as I watched the entire series.

@sammy baby: Thanks to you and Mattxdc for pointing this out. I was unaware that this was an issue. Most others probably were as well.

@commander_k: Yes it is obvious. Their intent is to eventually be 100% streaming. When the majority of their catalog is available online I will happily go streaming only. Until then I'll spend the additional $1.00 a month for the DVDs.

@vinod1978: Yes let's hope the iPad can get some attention. You never hear about it.

Turn off your router before Treebeard gets pissed!

@jeffsnewphone: or the one more widely believed to be his original quote. "Those who are willing to sacrifice their basic liberties to assure their security deserve neither."

@designguybrown: "Those who are willing to sacrifice their basic liberties to assure their security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin