Jeff Seely

Shadow of the Tomb nailed it. Gameplay? Fantastic! Puzzles? Amazing! But it literally sits in the shadows of the other two TR games and just wastes all the earlier potential, story wise. They didn’t even use the original writer, Rhianna Pratchett! It just felt like a Lara and Jonah fanfiction adventure. I

“we explored every option and it turned out the best option was the one that costs you the most money."

I try to avoid this hassle by not playing any big games through Game Pass unless they’re first-party. If a Pass game is longer than 10-12 hours, I just try to buy it outright, saving me the headache of scrambling to find a copy once they eventually leave later on.

I’m not interested in Game Pass, but I think a good feature would be something like having a guarantee of access to six months starting from when you first accessed the game.

Here, here. It’s one huge leg up PS Now has over Game Pass: Sony clearly marks when a new marquee game will leave the service.

I don’t think it has to be a year but I would like some more visibility on when these games are going away.

This is just common sense. A game the size of Red Dead Redemption shouldn’t be yanked without warning after such a short stay.

The problem I have with such services, is that contrary to movies, games are requiring commitment. As in, time. A movie on Netflix is watched in two hours or about. You can binge-watch most series on Netflix (as Netflix usually cancels all of their series after anything between 1 to 3 seasons, most can be easily

Its nice to see someone else have this view, 4k is like an easily achievable but frankly irrelevant objective (to me), would have loved that effort to be spent elsewhere

So delay the launch. It’s starting to get the scent of the Sega Saturn launch on it. They’ve got almost nothing for launch... They’re just releasing it now because Sony is.

Were the graphics underwhelming? I mean, yeah. But what did people expect? 343 had to target consoles with wildly different power levels. There’s only so much they can do.

Here’s the source, if you’re curious:

You are right dude.
Like, did they look to the past and brought the graphics from the past either?

This would all be fine and make sense if you are talking about the current gen, but we're not. We're talking about the next gen. And the next gen should be able to take the most graphically advanced current gen games and play them at 60FPS without issue. If, in order to hit 60 FPS, the XBox has to downgrade it's

I would’ve LOVED to see an optimistic version of the final game than a demo that had stutters, popins, no shadows at times, bad audio, and what I’m praying are just temp assets for the weapons. I honestly don’t think there has ever been a situation where a game this big, this hyped, this expensive, and this far into

You don’t get it. Microsoft BRAGGED about its hardware and this game to no end. They even dropped the words 8K and 120fps before anyone else did. The game has been in development for 6+ years. It’s the most expensive game EVER at 500 million dollars...go back and look at those screens and skimpy gameplay and ask

Now playing

That demo was a small vertical slice designed to sell you what the very best of the engine has to offer.

“I would expect Halo 7 to look much better.”

You don’t have to look at some tech demo. There are already, on the current gen, big open world games that look graphically superior to what they showed today. Those games aren’t usually running at 60FPS, but if their cutting edge next gen console has to downgrade the graphics to look worse than current titles just to

I know the format limits these lists to 12 games, but I’m surprised there aren’t more high quality indie games included here. I’ve spent just as much time on AAA titles like DMC5 and Halo:MCC as I have with Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, and other indie gems. Game Pass is also kind of the ideal way to