My opinion is that 4k isn't ready for prime time yet. I'd say no. Pick up a 4k tv in 3-4 when all of the kinks are worked out and there is more 4k content available.
My opinion is that 4k isn't ready for prime time yet. I'd say no. Pick up a 4k tv in 3-4 when all of the kinks are worked out and there is more 4k content available.
Why are his spines shaped like Shredder's helmet...?
Well, chapters 1-4 make up 85-90% of the game. If you turn off random encounters, chapters 5-8 are really short.
Looks like the Xbox fanboys get more and more quiet about "superior" graphics with each comparison post.
The future looks abysmal, either way. Again, I say, 1080p at the very least, should be the floor, not the ceiling.
It's even more scary that consoles like Xbox One aren't bound by complicated tech as an excuse for…
sitting on a wallet is also bad for your back and makes it easy to steal. no idea why people still do it..
Wait....people actually sit on their wallets? What the hell? I always put my wallet in my front pocket. No sitting on it and it is quicker to grab.....why would anyone want to put their wallet in the back pocket?
If that shooter isn't combatible with the 3ds circle pad pro, I'll sob, I like the look of it, but if I have to use the touch screen to move then I'll be sad.
Fair enough, let me break it down:
The real issue is that this is for a Single adjustable dumbbell, not a pair.
If they used a professional moving company, don't most professional movers have really good insurance to cover all that stuff in the case of things like this when they happen? You'd think that the company whose truck was incinerated would be the one footing the bill to buy his family new stuff. Still, I guess it…
Character: Garrus Vakarian
Name: Garrus Vakarian
Character: Garrus Vakarian
Game: Mass Effect
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, ps3
Why this is a great character: Garrus isn't just an NPC, or a great character. By the end of the series, he's a friend. I'd never experienced friendship in a video game before Mass Effect.
Favorite Memory: Tough choice, either the shooting match atop…
Character: Midna
Character: Garrus Vakarian
Game Name: Mass Effect
The Halo 3 reveal gave me shivers. Still does. It was the first trailer to give me that "next gen" hype over 360/PS3.
Sega does what NintenDON'T