jalapeno militia

Thru the orange colored glasses, the stock market has never had a down day, unless it somehow benefits President oompa loompa.

I thought the Native American for Trump was in reference to the German flag just above the saying. Considering Charlottesville you can understand my confusion.

How does Donnie Dumbshit know that the Republicans are doing so well at the poles in early voting? Don’t they count all the votes after Election Day, or at least make known the results?

“We haven’t seen destruction like that for a long time”—Fake news!

So the dow dropped 800+ points today and northern Florida/Georgia are getting hit hard by Michael yet 45 wants to go to his rally in Erie so he can get his mushroom, err, ego stroked. Would a non-self-centered Commander-in-Chief spend his time at home monitoring the storm and also stay on top of the emerging news, dict

Using all the best words

Using all the best words

Including women to have sex with him.