
I’m still pissed we never got to see Colleen chop a freaking car in half with that glowing katana.

Sir, this is an Arby’s...

I would argue “Alien” is scarier, but “The Thing” is very, very close. It gets bonus points for moments of humor that “Alien” lacks.

Tonight might be the perfect occasion to rewatch Band of Brothers for the Nth time.  One of very few series I can watch over and over and never get tired of.

That was my first thought, too.  “They made a TV show out of that movie??”

I have to say I HATED her character in the first season.  So much so that I found myself fast forwarding through a lot of her scenes, especially the ones with her and Will.  She grew on me in S2, though.

Can’t let you do that, Starfox...

The entire cast marooned on an out-of-control blimp.

And here I thought it was just me. I tried them once and their chicken was like a frikkin’ hockey puck.  That was my first and last time eating there.


I was wondering who that last character was during the opening of Legends last night.  I had no idea it was Ryan.

Where’s our Beebo plushie, CW?

I’m just kinda bummed they only used Ruth Connell in a one episode cameo.  I wanted scenes between The Queen of Hell and Scary Poppins!

“I always hoped I’d get to go on a Legends mission in real life. Always hoped it’d be one of the Westerns. But this is fun, too.”

You are not alone.  It seems they mashed up two different phrases.  I have no idea why.  “Behind the making of” isn’t a thing that anyone says in real life.

I’d still be watching if my new place’s cable had the CW app.  I’m having trouble finding a way to watch any of the CW show currently.  And don’t suggest online or torrents, I can’t stand to watch TV shows on my computer.

The thing that bugged me about it was the fact that everyone who came back was fully clothed.  Didn’t anyone get snatched while in the tub or sleeping naked??

Same.  And judging from some of the other comments we are not alone in that.

Ha! I thought the exact same thing when she said “Why the Hell Not?”

6pm Eastern is when it’s coming out on HBO Max.  Which means 3pm my time.  My roommate has to work and I’m not sure I’ll be able to wait for him to get off at 5 to watch it.