
I was so psyched to realize the new season started tonight that I actually paid $2.99 to watch last season’s finale to refresh my memory since my new place’s cable doesn’t seem to have access to the CW app.  Stupid Comcast.

The first battle scene from Wrath was rewound many times.

Heh, I was just telling someone yesterday the very first movie I ever saw after we bought our first VCR was “Kramer vs Kramer”. The consolation prizes were “Meatballs” and “Wrath of Khan”.  Which is where I first discovered the delight of the “rewind” button.

I can’t wait to talk about it.  This isn’t a major spoiler, but there’s a moment I just watched where Amedaiel gives Linda a silent golf clap that almost made me cry.

Agree with you about Reloaded. Personally, everything starting with the stairway fight to the end of the freeway chase is some of the best action stuff I’ve ever seen

Am I the only one hoping for a Harris/Groff duet?

Doesn’t everybody get a new body every time they use a transporter anyway?

So I may just be drunk, but I can’t find the new Marvel Legends thing on Disney+.

My vote:

My vote:

I made the mistake of seeing Jacob’s Ladder in the theater stoned. That opening sequence freaked me the f*ck out. And then later when I thought about the ending it just made me mad. The whole thing with the drugged ice cream was just a giant red herring.

This is one of those bands I really hope to catch live someday.

Same.  Had to look it up to make sure it was him doing the voice.

I never would have realized that was actually del Toro doing the Collector’s voice without looking it up.

Man, that was a whole freaking BASKET of Easter eggs. I had to rewind it to see that his ship was called the Mandela. And I think you see the Grandmaster’s ship in the background at one point.

I see the trailer hits the “pensive pop song cover” trope nail squarely on the head.

I watched some of that yesterday and realized I couldn’t remember the last time I was in a mosh pit.  I miss those.  Though at my age I would probably break something.

I need to watch this now that I know Emily Beecham is in it. Moriarty and The Widow together in one thing?? Sign me up! For anyone who wants to see Beecham kick ass all over the place watch “Into the Badlands”. She’s great in that.

I really need to give Pushing Daisies another chance. Sometimes when I tried to watch it I simply couldn’t keep up because the pace is just so damn FAST.  And I say this as a fan of The Gilmore Girls.

It’s fun to notice the clues in the first season that something isn’t quite right. Like Michael kicking a puppy into the sun.