
I guess I’ll have to get my Tudyk fix from his Joker/Clayface voice work on Harley Quinn.

Was one of the songs they mentioned Lazlo wrote “Wannabe”?  It went by so fast.

He looks way better in a tux than I would have expected.

She should write a review! It would be kinda like this guy, who reviewed an episode of Person of Interest cold midway through its 4th season.

Zari with Rachel Hair already makes this episode a classic.

It’s just weird to me that in some shots of her in the uniform you can see her belly button but on others you can’t (like the one above).

Kinda shocked this isn’t a 50-page slideshow.

Say what you want about Miller, he understood Superman as a character several orders of magnitude better than Snyder does.

I was watching last season’s finale of SHIELD and discovered why Brainwave from Stargirl looked so familiar. At first I thought it was his resemblance to William Sadler, but it’s actually because he plays the head Chronicom baddie Malachi.

It’s great.  Actually more bonkers than the comics in a lot of ways.  SUPER meta.  And Alan Tudyk is amazing.

Pat’s gonna die, calling it now.

It’s almost like they’re deliberately trying to confuse people.

Seems like accusing someone of murder would be a slam dunk defamation lawsuit.

Especially since I can’t see how the next movie is anything but 20 minutes of humans dropping rocks on the Na’vi from orbit.

And clean shaven!

Ah, thanks.  I missed that somehow.

So no regular coverage of Stargirl?  I was pleasantly surprised by the pilot.  It’s clear they’re throwing HBO money at the CGI.

Yeah, Villanelle is seriously slipping.  Old Villanelle would have given Dasha an extra whack or two in the head to make sure.

Why did they need to go to Russia at all?

Why did Konstantin need to make a stop in Russia before going to Cuba? O thought that was the whole point of having his daughter ready to flee in the middle of the night.

Also: If they have time to show those deleted scenes during the commercials did they really need to delete them in the first place?