
These guys have the right idea

I’m just waiting for the Cylons to show up.

What We Do in the Shadows, too.

And Clancy Brown can do no wrong in my book.

If you like that genre definitely check out Joe R Lansdale’s “Flaming Zeppelins”.

Same thing with Lucifer.  Apparently they only had two more episodes to shoot before everything shut down.

Like the mystery of how the plumbing works in that facility.

I tried, I really did. But there’s only so many times Hannibal can sneak in and out of an active crime scene surrounded by cops like fucking Batman for my suspension of disbelief to break.

Or you could add a dash of this

Wait, I just thought of something 40 years later... how do you mine clouds??

I know, right?  I’ll probably start digging into it in earnest when my Hulu trial runs out in a few days.

I laughed when Morty used the reset device on an ACTUAL video game.

2) If they didn’t we wouldn’t have a show.

Not sure about the other two.

I get the feeling Fury Road isn’t going to qualify as sci-fi much longer.

So they’re almost done scanning their VHS copies into the streaming server?

There was also one with big glasses and a beard that looked a LOT like George Romero.

It was convenient that “Gideon” proposed causing a distraction and the bunny actually did it.

I assume, despite steeling up, that Nate died as well—perhaps his strength just gives out?

That would have been nice for me since I don’t have a bank account at the time and I’m not sure what to do with this check.