The Blues do this (“and the home of the BLUUUUEEESSS!!”). It sounds like a boo which is always funny. But we do it at STL City games, too, which kind of bugs me.
The Blues do this (“and the home of the BLUUUUEEESSS!!”). It sounds like a boo which is always funny. But we do it at STL City games, too, which kind of bugs me.
That’s jazz baby
Can people not just say “oops I was drunk” instead of performatively committing to rehab?
some are pink
I saw Black Keys at Lolla in 2007 in the middle of the day. I stayed pretty far back and ate while listening to them and ditched them early to go get a good spot for LCD Soundsystem. Anyway, I distinctly remember noting that I would imagine black keys would be better in a small club than in the big open field in the…
Soo... not the Megadeth song?
awww cute they are just discovering what a music critic is.
Holy shit this was an unfunny episode. Agree that the trump shoes thing was the best part. Also, did he have dip in his lower lip the whole show?
“48 shows to put on your radar” is a ridiculous premise; “here’s every show and you might like one” is more accurate. I will remember 2 or 3 out of a list of 48.
Indeed I am.
And I didn’t know Dr. Who was an alien until I read this article. I assumed it was a variation on Sherlock Holmsian theme.
Hard disagree on John Denver. I love depressing Christmas songs. The Decemberists cover is better, though.
I generally enjoy SNL episodes, but this one was really, really bad.
I don’t disagree with that. It’s an issue with people at the edge of the lines, but it is based in shared realities. There is a reason they teach professors at universities about the perspectives of the incoming freshman. Shared experiences based on years born is a real thing. *Technically*I am Gen-X, but in many…
I was getting a little nervous I would not see On The Border in there, but BAM, nailed it at the end. Totally agree with the top 2. In fact, they are the only kinds I buy. Tortilla chips better be bubbly and flaky with a high percentage of folded chips per bag.
As someone born in 1977, I can confirm that there is a very unique shared cultural experience of people born from ‘76-’82. Not QUITE old enough to relate to Gen X pop culture (Say Anything, Reality Bites, Singles, etc were about people out of college when we were in middle school and we were too young catch a Pixies…
Wait, there were enough people out there that had no idea what the ReALlY rEaL reason for this was to justify a video AND this article?
It was last minute. He cancelled the three shows he had scheduled in St. louis this week to do the show.
I was in AP English in the first semester of 9th grade and we saw this after reading R&J. AP didn’t work for me, so I switched to regular English second semester. Regular English read R&J in the second semester, so I got to do it again, but when regular English showed the movie, that version didn’t include the nude…