Le Monstre

Also, my screen name always represents what is currently in my garage - in this case, I currently have:

Search my user history - I’ve posted several pics/videos/etc. Here’s the Viper from yesterday.

This may rank among the most beautiful Ferrari cars of all time

From a former 12C/458/911 Turbo owner - if you want to go FAST on track (in a street car) and not break the bank, Viper all the way. If you just want to go fast, buy a proper race car and never look back.

Might be gone for now, but it’s definitely the future, and 4,500 mph is the first generation technology. Chemical propulsion has limitations. When the project is re-examined in a decade, there will be a considerable improvement inrelevant technologies. In particular, they need improvements in capacitors to make the

How much red wine was consumed?

I agree. thats the current theme i use on my ps4

Outside of Mazda I have a special place for MC12 Corsa.

Oh my goodness, this is so NSFW, although the RX-792P is still my favorite non-787B Mazda prototype.

Not asking them to dominate, I’d just love to see them competitive.

PLUS - that car is the bidness.

Yep, certainly, and no doubt paved the way for the women that would follow her.

What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump

Is the captain usually a 50 year old recently divorced dude who is trying to recapture his youth?

I respect Glickenhaus, but those CAD drawings also look like they’re from the 90s

What, no Diablo? Missed opportunity.

If you’re going to get a 1st gen Neon, get an ACR.

Hurr hurr hurr! It’s a mental health issue, not a gun issue! If all the people in the church had guns, this wouldn’t have happened! Hurr de der de durr!

This sounds promising. I’m more than happy to have less power if it means it’s not a hybrid and is naturally aspirated. Give it a manual transmission and hydraulic steering (or no power steering), that’s what has been missing from the world of supercars. A good car shouldn’t need any driving modes or a billion

For someone that hates gay people so much, Mike Pence sucks a lot of lobbyist and banker dick.

PS1 memories.