Le Monstre

Agreed. The FIA/WEC/ACO triumvirate is a classic example of “the only good idea is my idea”, and this is little more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Amazingly, ignorance of the law is only a defense if you are a police officer. The blood that was drawn (if it was) is now pretty worthless in any legal sense because it was obtained without a warrant, so all Detective Payne did was expose his department to suits from: the truck driver/burn victim, his trucking

I’m so sick of entitlement culture. You’d think these kids could get a damn job and pay for their own things instead of always asking for a handout!

This is a better tribute than a police retraining program.

And in this case he wasn’t even the loser. He won the race but still whined about it afterword.

Capeta is the only one on that list that is not terrible, and the best thing I can say about it is that it is not terrible. Don’t watch terrible anime just because it has a car, watch Gurren Lagann and then turn off the TV and go drive.

Everyone needs to sit down and watch Redline at least once. Even if you don’t like it, you can’t deny it’s sheer eyecandy.

Because if you can spend that much, you probably already own most of those.

This shit is why I drink.

1. I would NEVER ever lie to you!

I was quoted 12-16k from an importer.

How about electing a public servant next time. You know, start with that.

This photo always brought home just how amazingly small the AZ-1 is.

why not both?

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

America 3: Do remember that first time Ford won in 1966 with a car that wasn’t actually American, and those other times in 1968 and 1969 with cars that weren’t actually American either?

Fun party trick: saying “timing belt” around pre-360 Ferrari owners is like saying “Voldemort” around British wizards.

Awesome. Years ago (89 or 90) I saw an RS200 on the road, in late afternoon; there was a light rain, it did not have the headlights on, it was white (did they come in any different color?).

I understand how other people are just not as thrilled with this tale as I was with the experience.

But, it was a special

Me getting to rip donuts in a 919 is honestly the only thing that might cheer me up right now.