Le Monstre

If there was an option to pick none, or simply the ability to bypass that part of the setup overall in the beginning, and then would automatically use they/them without alerting the player, would have been a more fitting way to go about this, insert it silently. I get it, there is an option for they/them, but Bethesda

Just so we’re clear, I’m trying to understand this. The tweet, that is a biiiig no no to you… a view that you don’t share with Nick…… That is where the world must draw the line and punish him…..BUT, shooting another person, leaving them to bleed and bragging about it, that’s cool, that’s fine, more children should

Just a reminder people:

Meh, at this point,, the guy on the bike FAAFO. Not to say that’s the right way to stop a fleeing suspect, but with all the BS going on in the US with people getting away with crime, it’s one less person committing it. Had he been on the street, different story, but he’s barreling down a sidewalk with people on it,

Much like anything else well overpriced from sanity, these companies know that someone with money and a desire to outdo Bryson at the yacht club are willing to pay this, regardless of its horrendous loss in value and small secondary market. If you seen some of the people at Quail, you’d know that money doesn’t buy

I hate to say it because I’m a fan of the car, but the 1975-1976 Chevrolet Cosworth Vega. Everything about it on paper made it sound like a future collectors item and a show room class race killer. Light Weight 3dr. hatch with an all aluminium head and block, DOHC and 16 valves that was touched by the F1 masters at

The problem with people, such as yourself, is you don’t seem to see a middle, it’s either one side or the other. He’s not a prophet, he’s not a shit head, he’s a dude that for some reason went from being touted as a real life Tony Stark, to some kind of villain. Basically the line from Spiderman is true, you either

The hate for Elon is too funny. I remember when Jalopnik used to hire automotive journalists that were at least partially unbias, had experiance around cars, and wrote interesting articles about cars, and not slide shows ,and personal feeling articles. Guess that Bubba the Love Sponge lawsuit really did relegate Jalopn

There’s two kinds of people out there that still bellyache you mean. That’s Lewis fans, and fans that just hate Max because he’s doing whatever it takes to win.....which is what a champion does. I love Ayrton Senna, but don’t think for a second the man wasn’t a bull in a China shop to win. Schumacher? Was purposely

When you don’t have as much oversight like you’ll find in like San francisco or New York, and you can put most of the grant into actual material and labor, it may not need as much money as you’d think

Damn, wish I had time to have put an answer in here.

San Fran needs to be cleaned up drug and criminal wise to make the city look good, not some lights.

Kind of a Benetton nod if RBR went with kind of a camo look using the colors of their cans like the yellow, white, hunter green, etc. I’d love to see that. But then again, liveries dont win you races, and RBR is more than just an eneregy drink company at this point

Thinks Gulf liveries are tacky, but applauds Aston Martin, boring Merc, and Ferrari. To each their, but thats why she’s writing for a website and not a livery designer for a F1 team.

You write an article about an awesome car show and only post one photo? Photo dump ths thing next time.

Lewis is saying this because the FIA folded to his jewelery episode last year. If they did infact deduct points, or penalize him in some way in 2022, he wouldn’t be barking to this degree. He knows how wide the line he can walk on and get away with it. 

Except if these have the capability to steer itself as been reported, theres a good chance that there is some form of GPS on it, or even a system calculating its position by height,speed,wind speed and direction, etc. and knows when it’s over international waters, allowing either data to be tranfered to the ships, or

There’s a lot of boats from other countries around the world in different oceans, especially Chinese fishing vessels that get very heated if you come near them. Wouldn’t be surprised if theres a couple fishing or light container ships just hanging in the Atlantic waiting for a signal.

Winning a Corvette in the 60's sounds like a worthy trophy. Winning a pickup truck in the 2010's sounds like a Bed Bath and Beyond Coupon to them. I could see if they continued with giving out high end models like a ZR1 Vette, Cadillace CTS-V, or similar, and not a base model small class pickup. I can see why this