When you don’t have as much oversight like you’ll find in like San francisco or New York, and you can put most of the grant into actual material and labor, it may not need as much money as you’d think
When you don’t have as much oversight like you’ll find in like San francisco or New York, and you can put most of the grant into actual material and labor, it may not need as much money as you’d think
Damn, wish I had time to have put an answer in here.
San Fran needs to be cleaned up drug and criminal wise to make the city look good, not some lights.
Kind of a Benetton nod if RBR went with kind of a camo look using the colors of their cans like the yellow, white, hunter green, etc. I’d love to see that. But then again, liveries dont win you races, and RBR is more than just an eneregy drink company at this point
Thinks Gulf liveries are tacky, but applauds Aston Martin, boring Merc, and Ferrari. To each their, but thats why she’s writing for a website and not a livery designer for a F1 team.
You write an article about an awesome car show and only post one photo? Photo dump ths thing next time.
Lewis is saying this because the FIA folded to his jewelery episode last year. If they did infact deduct points, or penalize him in some way in 2022, he wouldn’t be barking to this degree. He knows how wide the line he can walk on and get away with it.
Except if these have the capability to steer itself as been reported, theres a good chance that there is some form of GPS on it, or even a system calculating its position by height,speed,wind speed and direction, etc. and knows when it’s over international waters, allowing either data to be tranfered to the ships, or…
There’s a lot of boats from other countries around the world in different oceans, especially Chinese fishing vessels that get very heated if you come near them. Wouldn’t be surprised if theres a couple fishing or light container ships just hanging in the Atlantic waiting for a signal.
Winning a Corvette in the 60's sounds like a worthy trophy. Winning a pickup truck in the 2010's sounds like a Bed Bath and Beyond Coupon to them. I could see if they continued with giving out high end models like a ZR1 Vette, Cadillace CTS-V, or similar, and not a base model small class pickup. I can see why this…
Hey.... remember when the biggest crime was stealing CRT TV’s and DVD players?
I think what NASCAR fails to realize is it lost it’s uniqnues to the sport. If I want to see college educated, or guys who’ve driven karts since 4, I’ll watch F1, or WEC/IMSA, or insert some other form of racing thats tailored to what I can best call ‘Purebred drivers”
He’s upset a few kids, and apparently all of Kinja has been replaced with fresh out of college kids, and since he doesn’t use pronouns he is no longer Tony Stark like they used to chant, but rather Lex Luthor.Never mind the fact he cut the fat out of useless people hired, and there is more traffic on there than…
Elon ruined twitter? Far from it, but now that is is hated by the ones who loved him, I’m not surprised at people trying to deconstruct his success.
It’s not hard to see why he didn’t do an italian voice, people would scream that’s cultural appropriation, why didn’t they hire an Italian voice actor, etc. Nintendo took the safer high road, and went wih Chris Pratt as Chris Pratt, so they’d hear how bland his voice is instead of the SJW protesting that would have…
I’m sure, it being EA, there will be DLC’s in the near future. I feel its a lost opportunity to not have a Porsche 935, or even Moby Dick for how crazy the body was, even still today. Not Panoz Esperante GTR-1, etc... We’ll just have to see what they dump on it as time goes on.
NYPD is mad, well then do your damn job. For what they’re paid, it’s amazing how blind they are to infractions and outright dangerous driving if you drive in NYC.
Absolutely talking about the Focus ST community right there, and it’s because most of them are kids with minimum wage money. (I own one, so I see it all the time)
It’s two-fold. We either produce here, and face ecological hurdles, or piss off China someday and they decide to hold our products necessary to keep A,erica running hostage. Lithium is a stepping stone in the development of EV technology. Sodium batteries are already being researched, though it’s gonna take time to…
I mean, he’s there in spirit. Different face and name, same thinking.